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What's the added value of the Qobuz Music Service?
(10-14-2024, 12:18 PM)wkloppen Wrote: Hello there,

I'm using moode with the upnp renderer service switched on. As the control point I'm using Linn Kazoo. What I don't understand is the added value of the Qobux Music Service option in the edit upnp setting. in the Linn Kazoo client I indeed see a media service but there is no added value. I mean what functionality does it add?
During setup I have to fill out my Qobuz credentials in the Linn Kazoo client app running om my PC which is normal. I then have eveything I need. I can search for music. See the Qobuz playlists, Select any genre etc. With the Qobux Music Service + qobux credentials added in I said / asked....whats the added value and/or functionality?

thx in advance

It adds the functionality that allows you to play from qobuz using any control point you, which don't necessarily have to support Qobuz on its own. An example is upplay (see here) which also has the peculiarity to be available on linux and macos.
If you use a desktop, considering how old Kazoo is now and how more tied to Linn is the new Linn app, this is an added value in my opinion.
A good scrobbler solution for Moode here, docker image here

Messages In This Thread
RE: What's the added value of the Qobuz Music Service? - by GioF_71 - 10-14-2024, 01:21 PM

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