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Spotify connect not working...
So, as noted before, I've got a RPi-4 with an Allo DigiOne as the "hat".  I've had no problem with Moode 7 and 8, but the upgrade to 9.1.4 is not allowing me to connect to Spotify.  Here is the moode.log with the Spotify Connect renderer disabled.  After that I enabled the Spotify renderer and captured the moode_librespot.log (2nd code block), and then attempted connect to Moode Spotify.

pi@moode:/var/log $ cat moode.log
20241122 112651 worker: --
20241122 112651 worker: -- Start moOde 9 series
20241122 112651 worker: --
20241122 112651 worker: Daemonize:     complete
20241122 112651 worker: Linux startup: complete
20241122 112651 worker: Boot config:   ok
20241122 112651 worker: Boot folder:   ok
20241122 112651 worker: Radio table:   ok
20241122 112652 worker: PHP session:   cleaned
20241122 112652 DEBUG: phpSession(get_status): status=PHP_SESSION_NONE
20241122 112652 worker: PHP session:   loaded
20241122 112653 worker: Package locks: applied
20241122 112654 worker: File check:    complete
20241122 112654 worker: Log to RAM:    off
20241122 112654 worker: Debug logging: on
20241122 112654 worker: --
20241122 112654 worker: -- System
20241122 112654 worker: --
20241122 112655 worker: Host name:     moode
20241122 112655 worker: RPi model:     Pi-4B 1.4 4GB
20241122 112656 worker: moOde release: 9.1.4 2024-10-26
20241122 112656 worker: RaspiOS:       12.7 Bookworm 64-bit
20241122 112656 worker: Linux Kernel:  6.6.51 64-bit
20241122 112656 worker: MPD version:   0.23.14
20241122 112656 worker: User id:       pi
20241122 112656 worker: Home folder:   /home/pi
20241122 112656 worker: Time zone:     America/Los_Angeles
20241122 112656 worker: Kbd layout:    us
20241122 112656 worker: HDMI ports(s): on
20241122 112656 worker: HDMI-CEC:      off
20241122 112656 worker: Sys LED0:      on
20241122 112656 worker: Sys LED1:      on
20241122 112656 worker: Reduce power:  n/a
20241122 112656 worker: CPU governor:  ondemand
20241122 112656 worker: Integ audio:   vc4-kms-v3d
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: -- Network
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: Eth0
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: adapter exists
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: timeout off
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: method  dhcp
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: address
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: netmask
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: gateway
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: pri DNS
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: domain  none found
20241122 112656 worker: Wlan0
20241122 112656 worker: Wireless: adapter does not exist
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: -- File sharing
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: SMB file sharing:  off
20241122 112656 worker: NFS file sharing:  off
20241122 112656 worker: DLNA file sharing: off
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: -- Special configs
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: Plexamp:          not installed
20241122 112656 worker: RoonBridge:       not installed
20241122 112656 worker: Allo Piano 2.1:   not detected
20241122 112656 worker: Allo Boss 2:      not detected, OLED script ok
20241122 112656 worker: IQaudIO AMP*:     not detected
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: -- ALSA debug
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: Cards:  0:vc4hdmi0        1:vc4hdmi1        2:sndallodigione  3:empty
20241122 112656 worker:         4:empty           5:empty           6:empty           7:empty
20241122 112656 worker: Mixers: 0:none            1:none            2:none            3:none
20241122 112656 worker:         4:none            5:none            6:none            7:none
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: -- Audio configuration
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: Audio device:  2:Allo DigiOne
20241122 112656 worker: ALSA card:     has not been reassigned
20241122 112656 worker: MPD config:    update not needed
20241122 112656 worker: ALSA output:   I2S
20241122 112656 worker: ALSA mode:     Default (plughw)
20241122 112656 worker: ALSA mixer     none exists
20241122 112700 worker: ALSA volume:   controller not detected
20241122 112700 worker: ALSA maxvol:   100%
20241122 112700 worker: ALSA loopback: off
20241122 112700 worker: MPD mixer      Software
20241122 112700 worker: Audio formats: S16_LE, S24_LE
20241122 112700 worker: CamillaDSP:    off
20241122 112700 worker: CDSP volume:   -40.2dB
20241122 112700 worker: CDSP volrange: 60dB
20241122 112700 worker: --
20241122 112700 worker: -- MPD startup
20241122 112700 worker: --
20241122 112700 DEBUG: MPD|ALSA devnum:    plughw:2,0|i2s
20241122 112700 worker: MPD service:        started
20241122 112700 worker: MPD port 6600:      accepting connections
20241122 112700 worker: MPD ALSA Default:   on
20241122 112700 worker: MPD ALSA Bluetooth: off
20241122 112700 worker: MPD HTTP Server:    off
20241122 112651 worker: --
20241122 112651 worker: -- Start moOde 9 series
20241122 112651 worker: --
20241122 112651 worker: Daemonize:     complete
20241122 112651 worker: Linux startup: complete
20241122 112651 worker: Boot config:   ok
20241122 112651 worker: Boot folder:   ok
20241122 112651 worker: Radio table:   ok
20241122 112652 worker: PHP session:   cleaned
20241122 112652 DEBUG: phpSession(get_status): status=PHP_SESSION_NONE
20241122 112652 worker: PHP session:   loaded
20241122 112653 worker: Package locks: applied
20241122 112654 worker: File check:    complete
20241122 112654 worker: Log to RAM:    off
20241122 112654 worker: Debug logging: on
20241122 112654 worker: --
20241122 112654 worker: -- System
20241122 112654 worker: --
20241122 112655 worker: Host name:     moode
20241122 112655 worker: RPi model:     Pi-4B 1.4 4GB
20241122 112656 worker: moOde release: 9.1.4 2024-10-26
20241122 112656 worker: RaspiOS:       12.7 Bookworm 64-bit
20241122 112656 worker: Linux Kernel:  6.6.51 64-bit
20241122 112656 worker: MPD version:   0.23.14
20241122 112656 worker: User id:       pi
20241122 112656 worker: Home folder:   /home/pi
20241122 112656 worker: Time zone:     America/Los_Angeles
20241122 112656 worker: Kbd layout:    us
20241122 112656 worker: HDMI ports(s): on
20241122 112656 worker: HDMI-CEC:      off
20241122 112656 worker: Sys LED0:      on
20241122 112656 worker: Sys LED1:      on
20241122 112656 worker: Reduce power:  n/a
20241122 112656 worker: CPU governor:  ondemand
20241122 112656 worker: Integ audio:   vc4-kms-v3d
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: -- Network
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: Eth0
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: adapter exists
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: timeout off
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: method  dhcp
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: address
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: netmask
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: gateway
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: pri DNS
20241122 112656 worker: Ethernet: domain  none found
20241122 112656 worker: Wlan0
20241122 112656 worker: Wireless: adapter does not exist
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: -- File sharing
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: SMB file sharing:  off
20241122 112656 worker: NFS file sharing:  off
20241122 112656 worker: DLNA file sharing: off
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: -- Special configs
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: Plexamp:          not installed
20241122 112656 worker: RoonBridge:       not installed
20241122 112656 worker: Allo Piano 2.1:   not detected
20241122 112656 worker: Allo Boss 2:      not detected, OLED script ok
20241122 112656 worker: IQaudIO AMP*:     not detected
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: -- ALSA debug
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: Cards:  0:vc4hdmi0        1:vc4hdmi1        2:sndallodigione  3:empty
20241122 112656 worker:         4:empty           5:empty           6:empty           7:empty
20241122 112656 worker: Mixers: 0:none            1:none            2:none            3:none
20241122 112656 worker:         4:none            5:none            6:none            7:none
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: -- Audio configuration
20241122 112656 worker: --
20241122 112656 worker: Audio device:  2:Allo DigiOne
20241122 112656 worker: ALSA card:     has not been reassigned
20241122 112656 worker: MPD config:    update not needed
20241122 112656 worker: ALSA output:   I2S
20241122 112656 worker: ALSA mode:     Default (plughw)
20241122 112656 worker: ALSA mixer     none exists
20241122 112700 worker: ALSA volume:   controller not detected
20241122 112700 worker: ALSA maxvol:   100%
20241122 112700 worker: ALSA loopback: off
20241122 112700 worker: MPD mixer      Software
20241122 112700 worker: Audio formats: S16_LE, S24_LE
20241122 112700 worker: CamillaDSP:    off
20241122 112700 worker: CDSP volume:   -40.2dB
20241122 112700 worker: CDSP volrange: 60dB
20241122 112700 worker: --
20241122 112700 worker: -- MPD startup
20241122 112700 worker: --
20241122 112700 DEBUG: MPD|ALSA devnum:    plughw:2,0|i2s
20241122 112700 worker: MPD service:        started
20241122 112700 worker: MPD port 6600:      accepting connections
20241122 112700 worker: MPD ALSA Default:   on
20241122 112700 worker: MPD ALSA Bluetooth: off
20241122 112700 worker: MPD volume:         40
20241122 112700 worker: Saved MPD vol:      -1
20241122 112700 worker: Saved SRC vol:      0
20241122 112700 worker: MPD crossfade:      off
20241122 112700 worker: MPD ignore CUE:     no
20241122 112700 worker: MPD CDSP volsync:   off
20241122 112700 worker: --
20241122 112700 worker: -- Music sources
20241122 112700 worker: --
20241122 112700 worker: USB drives:     none
20241122 112700 worker: NVMe drives:    none
20241122 112700 worker: NAS source:     BFF (smb)
20241122 112702 DEBUG: Mount (mount -t cifs "//" -o username="moodepi",password="moOdeaudi0",rsize=61440,wsize=65536,iocharset=utf8,vers=3.1.1,ro,noserverino,cache=none,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 "/mnt/NAS/BFF")
20241122 112702 worker: --
20241122 112702 worker: -- Feature availability
20241122 112702 worker: --
20241122 112702 worker: Input select:    available, Source: MPD, Output: Allo DigiOne
20241122 112702 worker: Bluetooth:       available, PIN: None, ALSA/CDSP maxvol: 100%/0dB, ALSA outmode: Standard
20241122 112702 DEBUG: startAirPlay(): (/usr/bin/shairport-sync -v -a "Moode AirPlay" -- -d _audioout > /var/log/moode_shairport-sync.log 2>&1 &)
20241122 112702 worker: AirPlay:         started
20241122 112702 worker: Spotify Connect: available
20241122 112702 worker: Squeezelite:     available
20241122 112702 worker: UPnP client:     available
20241122 112702 worker: Plexamp:         not installed, ALSA maxvol: 100%
20241122 112702 worker: RoonBridge:      not installed
20241122 112702 worker: Multiroom:       available
20241122 112702 worker: GPIO buttons:    available
20241122 112702 worker: Stream recorder: n/a
20241122 112702 worker: --
20241122 112702 worker: -- Security
20241122 112702 worker: --
20241122 112702 worker: Web SSH server:    off
20241122 112702 worker: XSS detection:     off
20241122 112702 worker: HTTPS mode:        available
20241122 112702 worker: --
20241122 112702 worker: -- Peripherals
20241122 112702 worker: --
20241122 112703 worker: Local display:   off
20241122 112703 worker: Chromium ver:    130.0.6723.58-1~deb12u1+rpt2
20241122 112703 worker: Rpi backlight:   off
20241122 112703 worker: HDMI 4K 60Hz:    off
20241122 112703 worker: Disable GPU:     off
20241122 112703 worker: On-screen kbd:   off
20241122 112703 worker: Rotary encoder:  off
20241122 112703 worker: USB volume knob: off
20241122 112703 worker: LCD updater:     off
20241122 112703 worker: --
20241122 112703 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20241122 112703 worker: --
20241122 112703 worker: Software update:   Automatic check off
20241122 112703 worker: Auto-CoverView:    off
20241122 112703 worker: CoverView timeout: Never
20241122 112703 worker: Auto-shuffle:      off
20241122 112703 worker: Auto-play:         off
20241122 112703 worker: Maintenance task:  360 mins
20241122 112703 worker: Current view:      reset to Playback
20241122 112703 worker: Active flags:      all false
20241122 112703 worker: Reset flags:       skipped
20241122 112703 worker: Session check:     ok
20241122 112703 worker: --
20241122 112703 worker: -- Startup complete
20241122 112703 worker: --
20241122 112703 worker: Mount monitor:    started
20241122 112704 worker: Radio monitor:    off
20241122 112704 worker: Watchdog monitor: started
20241122 112704 worker: Responsiveness:   Default
20241122 112704 DEBUG: Sleep intervals:  worker=3, waitworker=1, watchdog=6, mountmon=30, mpdmon=6, gpiobuttons=1
20241122 112704 worker: Ready
20241122 112704 DEBUG: chkVariables(): Excluded key: path

pi@moode:~ $ cat /var/log/moode_librespot.log
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z INFO  librespot] librespot 0.5.0 84d28e8 (Built on 2024-10-16, Build ID: izu7C8cN, Profile: release)
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] Command line argument(s):
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         name "Moode Spotify"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         bitrate "320"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         format "S24"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         mixer "softvol"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         initial-volume "5"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         volume-ctrl "log"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         volume-range "60"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         cache "/var/local/www/spotify_cache"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         disable-audio-cache
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         backend "alsa"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         device "_audioout"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         onevent "/var/local/www/commandw/"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot]         v
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] new Session
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z DEBUG librespot_discovery::server] Zeroconf server listening on
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z INFO  librespot_playback::mixer::softmixer] Mixing with softvol and volume control: Log(60.0)
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] new Player [0]
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z INFO  librespot_playback::convert] Converting with ditherer: tpdf
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z INFO  librespot_playback::audio_backend::alsa] Using AlsaSink with format: S24
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=AddEventSender
pi@moode:~ $ sudo truncate /var/log/moode_librespot.log --size 0
pi@moode:~ $ cat /var/log/moode_librespot.log

# -- this is where I tried to make the connection again -- #

pi@moode:~ $ cat /var/log/moode_librespot.log
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_discovery::server] POST "/" {}
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] Shutdown: Invalidating session
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot::component] new MercuryManager
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot::component] new ChannelManager
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] new Session
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=SetSession
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] drop Session
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot::component] drop ChannelManager
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot::component] drop MercuryManager
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] new Spirc[0]
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot::component] new MercuryManager
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot::component] new ApResolver
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::http_client] Requesting
[2024-11-22T03:28:26Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-22T03:28:31Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:28:31Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Retry access point...
[2024-11-22T03:28:36Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:28:36Z WARN  librespot_core::session] Try another access point...
[2024-11-22T03:28:36Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-22T03:28:41Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:28:41Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Retry access point...
[2024-11-22T03:28:46Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:28:46Z WARN  librespot_core::session] Try another access point...
[2024-11-22T03:28:46Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-22T03:28:51Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:28:51Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Retry access point...
[2024-11-22T03:28:56Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:28:56Z WARN  librespot_core::session] Try another access point...
[2024-11-22T03:28:56Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-22T03:29:01Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:29:01Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Retry access point...
[2024-11-22T03:29:06Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:29:06Z WARN  librespot_core::session] Try another access point...
[2024-11-22T03:29:06Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-22T03:29:11Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:29:11Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Retry access point...
[2024-11-22T03:29:16Z DEBUG librespot_discovery::server] POST "/" {}
[2024-11-22T03:29:16Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:29:16Z WARN  librespot_core::session] Try another access point...
[2024-11-22T03:29:16Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-22T03:29:21Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:29:21Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Retry access point...

After all these timeouts, I thought I should check to see whether I can ping from the pi to Spotify.  I can (I think), but the results are kinda different from when I try the same command on my Mac.  

From moodeaudio 9.1.4 installation

pi@moode: $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=53.9 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=53.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=50 time=53.5 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=50 time=53.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=50 time=53.6 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 20248ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 53.511/53.683/53.906/0.161 ms

From my mac desktop
sblum@SDB-MMM2P ~ % ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=50 time=54.067 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=54.203 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=53.889 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=50 time=54.109 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=50 time=54.165 ms

--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 8 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 53.889/54.135/54.275/0.111 ms

Again, ver 8 works (I can post the librespot.log if that would be of interest), but ver 9 doesn't.  The ping test on ver 8 is essentially the same as on ver 9.

I'm still stumped.  :-/

Messages In This Thread
Spotify connect not working... - by StivVid - 09-06-2024, 04:18 PM
RE: Spotify connect not working... - by StivVid - 09-07-2024, 02:09 PM
RE: Spotify connect not working... - by sdbinsf - 11-20-2024, 12:32 AM
RE: Spotify connect not working... - by sdbinsf - 11-20-2024, 10:05 AM
RE: Spotify connect not working... - by tomaxsas - 11-20-2024, 10:07 AM
RE: Spotify connect not working... - by sdbinsf - 11-21-2024, 01:48 AM
RE: Spotify connect not working... - by sdbinsf - 11-21-2024, 07:44 PM
RE: Spotify connect not working... - by sdbinsf - 11-22-2024, 03:51 AM
RE: Spotify connect not working... - by sdbinsf - 11-23-2024, 03:18 AM
RE: Spotify connect not working... - by sdbinsf - 11-23-2024, 04:19 AM
RE: Spotify connect not working... - by sdbinsf - 11-23-2024, 04:39 AM
RE: Spotify connect not working... - by sdbinsf - 11-23-2024, 07:52 AM

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