FYI the dts overlay way works great.
Create the DTS overlay file as the url above shows.
Compile it with dts script, move it to boot/overlays, load it in boot/config.txt.
Then add the missing key bindings in triggerhappy's media.conf, enable triggerhappy systemctl service and it will all work beautifully.
No moode mods required, nor additional scripts. The system will see the key events natively exactly the same as media keys on a keyboard.
Create the DTS overlay file as the url above shows.
Compile it with dts script, move it to boot/overlays, load it in boot/config.txt.
Then add the missing key bindings in triggerhappy's media.conf, enable triggerhappy systemctl service and it will all work beautifully.
No moode mods required, nor additional scripts. The system will see the key events natively exactly the same as media keys on a keyboard.
Pi4 1gb - Moode 8.3.9 / 9.1.4
Suptronics X6000 7.1ch HDMI hat
Suptronics X6000 7.1ch HDMI hat