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Idea: Raspberry Pi Touch Display 2 release
(Yesterday, 06:50 PM)zandman Wrote: I'll try to switch to the DSI 0 later this week, mine is in DSI 1 (as suggested in the screen documentation).
I will keep you posted.
Thanks for your support

Are you referring to #5 in the doc?

5. Lift the retaining clips on either side of the DSI connector of your Raspberry Pi. This port should be marked with some variation of the term DISPLAY or DISP. If your Raspberry Pi has multiple DSI connectors, prefer the port labelled 1.

The startup script for the Local Display feature is hardcoded for DSI-1 which corresponds to display 0 connector on the pi5 board and any of the single connector Pi's.

What is the output of the command below?


I may need to add a "DSI port" option to Peripheral Config for Pi-5.
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Raspberry Pi Touch Display 2 release - by Falco - 11-04-2024, 11:26 AM
RE: Raspberry Pi Touch Display 2 release - by Tim Curtis - Yesterday, 07:46 PM

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