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Introducing pleezer: a Deezer Connect player
(12-02-2024, 07:38 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Nice.
Just ran some tests with 0.4.0.

Keep it coming :-)

Quote:Some issues:
1. Connecting doesn't seem as stable as 0.3.0. It took several tries to get a connection.
2. Still getting 100% volume initially. The remote slider is at around 10%. As soon as I move the slider the volume changes to a level that corresponds to the slider position, however there is 3. below.
3. The volume curve still seems to be kind of steep. A 50% slider position produces nearly full volume to-the-ear.

Debug -vv logs are available if needed.

1. It can help to force quit the Deezer app, because sometimes the Deezer app takes up on "connection offers" which have already expired. Instead of force quitting, you can also hit the "Reload" icon at the top right of the Deezer Connect connection dialog.

The Deezer Connect implementation on the native apps are quite fickle... at this moment remote control to a native desktop app doesn't even work at all for me. pleezer seems to be quite robust, but I can improve it further.

2. The initial volume I can't do anything about - as you saw in the -vv logs before, that's what the Deezer app is sending. It seems to be a bug there, that it doesn't take the "proper" system volume and send that to pleezer.

Let me know if you have any -vv logs that point to the contrary (i.e. you see that volume is sent < 1.0 but pleezer doesn't pick it up).

3. That's strange and certainly doesn't do that here. If you run with -v logs, you should see this:

INFO  pleezer::player] setting volume to 50.0%
DEBUG pleezer::player] volume scaled logarithmically: 3.2%
maintainer of librespot and pleezer

Messages In This Thread
RE: Introducing pleezer: a Deezer Connect player - by roderickvd - 12-02-2024, 07:56 PM

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