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Instruction Guide Easy installation / setup / configuration guide for absolute beginners
Hi Guys. Thank you for reading my post. Sorry if I am in the wrong place

Early last month I got a HiFiBerry DAC + Pro XLR for my birthday. I am a real novice and do not understand Lynx

I cannot get it to work on rune audio – I used to have a HiFiBerry Digit +. I am very confused

It has been suggested that Moode is the best. So that is good. I have some stupid questions:

1. Do I need to download the Pi OS and your programme?
2. Can I download this from the internet directly – like all the windows programmes I am familiar with. I really do not understand flashing and the Laptop with the card reader is not working well.
3. Can I drive all of it from my PC?

Sorry for being an idiot. But I like the idea, but not good with Lynx computers

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RE: Easy installation / setup / configuration guide for absolute beginners - by foxint - 12-07-2018, 07:49 AM

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