Reason for forcing the cardnumber is that in the section "chip options" the modus of the Piano 2.1 dac is not properly shown. Also it is impossible to change the modus. (Stereo 2.0/2.1, dual mono, dual stereo etc
Changing the files, line 603 in worker.php and give strange results.
Introducing carnumber 2 in these files result in the piano dac obtaining cardnumber 0. Changing the cardnumber back to original the cardnumber fals back to 2. And the Alsamixer does not follow.
Changing the files, line 603 in worker.php and give strange results.
Introducing carnumber 2 in these files result in the piano dac obtaining cardnumber 0. Changing the cardnumber back to original the cardnumber fals back to 2. And the Alsamixer does not follow.