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Instruction Guide Set up a CA and sign your own certificates for moOde in HTTPS mode.
I've made some more adjustments to the instructions to address issues I found while testing this on my wife's iPhone. This has served as a reminder to me why I don't use IOS - soooo irritating.
It turns out that Safari (and maybe IOS itself, I didn't try any other browsers) doesn't like any server identity certificate that has a life of longer than 825 days. It doesn't say that though, oh no, just says that the connection isn't secure and lets you look at the certificate to see that it is valid and signed by a CA you trust. Give us the information please Apple!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Set up a CA and sign your own certificates for moOde in HTTPS mode. - by the_bertrum - 12-30-2024, 11:12 AM

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