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Problem: 7.9" Wide display concern
(12-30-2024, 05:26 PM)pkdick Wrote: I have actually a windows PC .

Thank you in avance !


that's good Big Grin

Ok - You need:
  • access to Your Raspi/Moode via SSH from Your Windows PC
    I would suggest WinSCP  All Downloads :: WinSCP

    there You need to setup a new connection  
          File protocol: SFTP
name: well, default should be "moode.local" - please try in Your webbrowser if unsure - You can also use the IP-Address  
          User name: again - default is pi (?) or what You have set in the Pi Imager  
          Password: and again - default is moodeaudio or what You have set in the Pi Imager  

          before saving goto Advanced :   
          -Environment -- SFTP -->   SFTP server: sudo /usr/lib/sftp-server  
          -Environment -- Shell -->   Shell: sudo su -   

          Then save (I would also save the password - but it's up to You)  
          Then connect and move to /home/pi/  
           (maybe it's "pi" - sorry, I have setup another username so I think it should be "pi" by default )  

           there locate the file .xinitrc and double click it  
           at the end of the file You need to add:  

--kiosk \  
          (note the backslash after kiosk !)    

         save and close the file -- hopefully it will be saved without privilege errors!       

          then You need to open a command prompt at the Raspi - with WinSCP you have "Open in PuTTY" in the "commands" menue   
          if You don't have PuTTY (I think it's not automatically installed with WinSCP) get it here: All Downloads :: WinSCP  
          you can put it in a subfolder of the WinSCP installation or else
          then you need to setup the path to putty.exe in WinSCP:
          Preferences --> Integration --> Applications

          After starting PutTTY with WinSCP enter following command:
          systemctl restart localui

          This will restart the chrome-browser on the Raspi - If this is too complicated You can restart it also with Your local browser on the moOde page --> m(enue) --> configure --> Peripherals --> RESTART Local Display
  • Create a SSH portforwarding from Your Windows PC
    The SSH-Client needs to be installed:
    Windows Terminal SSH | Microsoft Learn 
    (in Windows Settings > System > Optional features search for "OpenSSH" in your added features.)

    if installed, open command-prompt (WIN + r --> cmd --> ok)

    at the command-prompt enter:
    ssh -L 9223: -N pi@moode.local
    where "pi" is the default user of the raspi and "moode.local" the address of the raspi...
    (in case You have changed the SSH-Port like me, you need to add "-p1234" at the end - and replace "1234" with the portnumber You've set)

    then press return - You will be asked for the password - default is "moodeaudio"

     if everything is ok, nothing will happen Big Grinleave the window open! The connection stays open till You close the window

Finally start a debug session in the webbrowser
Please use Edge-browser - I've tried chromium, but it's not working properly...
In the Edge-addressbar enter 
in the "devices" tab --> Discover network targets --> Configure...
create a new entry with 
(I have also activated "portforwarding" - dunno if necessary)

After pressing "done" in the pop-up You need to wait a few seconds - then new connections should show
[Image: remote.jpg]

click on "inspect"  and an inspector window should open with the screen of Your raspi!  
Hope You will get this far! Big Grin

Cheers, Stephan

PS: Sorry, but the formatting here is a mess Big Grin

Messages In This Thread
7.9" Wide display concern - by pkdick - 11-10-2024, 06:30 PM
RE: 7.9" Wide display concern - by Tim Curtis - 11-10-2024, 06:57 PM
RE: 7.9" Wide display concern - by Stephanowicz - 12-30-2024, 01:49 PM
RE: 7.9" Wide display concern - by Tim Curtis - 12-30-2024, 07:54 PM
RE: 7.9" Wide display concern - by Stephanowicz - 12-30-2024, 09:24 PM
RE: 7.9" Wide display concern - by Stephanowicz - 12-30-2024, 01:25 PM
RE: 7.9" Wide display concern - by pkdick - 12-30-2024, 02:36 PM
RE: 7.9" Wide display concern - by Stephanowicz - 12-30-2024, 03:15 PM
RE: 7.9" Wide display concern - by pkdick - 12-30-2024, 05:26 PM
RE: 7.9" Wide display concern - by Stephanowicz - 12-30-2024, 06:24 PM
RE: 7.9" Wide display concern - by pkdick - 12-31-2024, 01:30 PM
RE: 7.9" Wide display concern - by Tim Curtis - 12-30-2024, 09:45 PM
RE: 7.9" Wide display concern - by Stephanowicz - 12-31-2024, 01:41 PM

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