Yesterday, 10:46 PM
Here's the function in inc/common.php that would have assigned NO_USERID_DEFINED. This will give you a way to determine which of the conditions may not have been met.
// Assumes only one dir under /home, the one matching the userid entered into
// the Raspberry Pi Imager when making the image.
function getUserID() {
// Delete '/home/pi' if no corresponding userid exists. The homedir pi is
// created by the moode-player package install during in-place update.
if (file_exists('/home/pi/') && empty(sysCmd('grep ":/home/pi:" /etc/passwd'))) {
sysCmd('cp /home/pi/.xinitrc /tmp/xinitrc');
sysCmd('rm -rf /home/pi/');
// Return empty string if locked password for userid pi. A locked password
// is from the pi-gen build and remains unless a userid is set in Pi Imager.
if (sysCmd('cat /etc/shadow | grep pi | cut -d ":" -f 2')[0] == '!') {
// No userid set in Pi Imager
} else {
// Return userid or empty string if no subdirs under /home/
$userId = sysCmd('ls /home/')[0];
if (strpos($userId, 'ls: cannot access') !== false) {
// Install xinitrc script
if ($userId != NO_USERID_DEFINED) {
if (file_exists('/tmp/xinitrc')) {
sysCmd('cp -f /tmp/xinitrc /home/' . $userId . '/.xinitrc');
return $userId;