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Unexpected error message popup: The image does not contain userid, etc.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

I think that this may be beyond my skillset. I looked at what you sent, and to the best of my understanding everything looks fine. No pi subdirectory under home, only the one that I set. Looked at /etc/shadow file and pi not there, only my username, and password is not locked. Not sure if I missed something. The only wild guess that I can make is that I have a user called pijuice, and the beginning of its /etc/shadow entry looks like this: "pijuice:!:". Probably not this as I had the pijuice software running under Moode 8.*.* without any issues.

Let me know what you think. I might just live with it until I can't and then reinstall. Do not want to waste our precious time.

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RE: Unexpected error message popup: The image does not contain userid, etc. - by hui13 - 11 hours ago

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