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Solved: Update library hangs unpredictably while scanning SMB share on a Fritzbox router
(03-04-2025, 08:06 PM)skr91 Wrote: thanks @TheOldPresbyope
let me get this straigth at least from a hardware standpoint
as I understand it, I need another Pi (any Pi? any minimum requirements?) with OMV, which will be connected via USB to a 3.5" drive in its own enclosure and via ethernet to the router. this setup will give me a nas accessible from the local network, hence from the Pi running moode
is this correct?

That will work---An RPi 3B/3B+ will work but I recommend an RPi 4B or RPi 5B. A 1 GB model is adequate. Be sure to use an official RPi power supply.

I use M.2 NVMe SSDs on my RPi 5B via the PCIe interface but I've also used external SSD drives with USB 3.0 interfaces. I still have a couple of HDs around but use them only for backup so mostly they're powered down.


PS - Other SBCs and other computers in general work well too, but Raspberry Pis and RaspiOS have a huge user and support base.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Update library hangs unpredictably while scanning SMB share on a Fritzbox router - by TheOldPresbyope - 03-04-2025, 08:21 PM

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