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moOde App - Add to Home screen & HTTPS
(03-05-2025, 01:24 AM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: @Tim Curtis

As of yesterday, the working doc doesn't address Linux. Here's what worked for me.

1. Download the .cer file from moOde into my Linux Mint system. Let's say it's moode.local.cer

2. convert the .cer file to a .crt file (see note 1)

openssl x509 -inform DER -outform PEM -in ./moode.local.cer -out ./moode.local.crt

3. Copy the .crt file to the local staging directory used by update-ca-certificates

sudo cp moode.local.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/

4. Update Linux Mint's certificate store

sudo update-ca-certificates

All done. Various browsers prolly still flag the first attempt to access https://moode.local as unsafe but once you're indicated you're ok with it as an exception, they accept any future attempts.

Note 1: A .cer file is different from a .pem file but AIUI a .pem file and a .crt file are essentially the same functionally. Weirdly, update-ca-certificates processes only those ca-certificate files in /usr/local/share/ca-certificates with a .crt extension (and leaves .pem files in the store. Yikes!)

Note 2: My steps 2 and 3 could be combined but I kept them separate for clarity.

Note 3. It seems to me the procedure to follow after changing the hostname could also be use as a way to download the ca-certificate in .pem form directly from the browser. Thus, my step 1 would be skipped, my step 2 would reduce to just copying the file to the staging directory whilst changing its extension to .crt. Caveat: I haven't tested this yet.

Note 4. I tested this in Linux Mint but it should work in debian or any debian-based distro. The procedure is a tad different in RedHat (consult the InterWeb™) but I don't have a installation to test wth.

Note 5. Like @the_bertrum, I quite like the idea of setting up a separate local CA on my LAN since I'm constantly standing up various moOde players in testing.


I'll update the doc, thx :-)
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RE: moOde App - Add to Home screen & HTTPS - by Tim Curtis - 03-05-2025, 02:09 AM

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