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Solved: Update library hangs unpredictably while scanning SMB share on a Fritzbox router
(03-07-2025, 04:37 PM)skr91 Wrote: so I installed OMV on a spare rPi 3 I had at home to give it a try, if I succeed I'll buy a rPi 4 or 5 and repeat the install
I assume I'd better choose a static IP address as opposed to DHCP, so that I can point Moode to that address in the relevant settings and not worry of any changes.  
If that is correct, do I do that just from the router menu, or do I need to change something inside OMV?

Be sure to read some OMV tutorials to understand the GUI. At first glance it can be rather confusing but it doesn't take long to get used to.

As for addressing, sure, you could give your OMV host a static IP address but that's mostly for convenience. Using the mDNS name, (myOMV.local, say) works fine.  Two caveats:

1. when you say "so that I can point moOde to that address", "point" means you'll have to edit the source path manually in the Remote NAS Source screen to use "<the IP address>/share" rather that choose the "host/share" returned by the Path SCAN function.

ETA; to be clear, <the IP address> is a placekeeper for the actual IP address you assigned, such as, for example.

2. on my LAN only mDNS addressing works. The SCAN function function returns paths such as "myOMV/Music" but I manually edit that to "myOMV.local/Music" in order to mount the share.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Update library hangs unpredictably while scanning SMB share on a Fritzbox router - by TheOldPresbyope - 03-07-2025, 04:58 PM

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