8 hours ago
(Today, 12:26 AM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: @Maverick565
Back in your first post, you said
Quote:2. Cast from other upnp apps - from Usb Audio Player pro no issues, from Bubble upnp - no issues
Does this mean you could cast your troublesome 192 kpbs tracks using these control points and they played?
That would seem to place your issue at the intersection of Audirvana and upmpdcli. You may want to ask their maintainers.
You can get logs from upmpdcli but you'll have to hand-edit its configuration file /etc/upmpdcli.conf. It's owned by root so you have to edit as superuser (sudo vi or sudo nano, for example). The options you are looking for are in the general parameters section at the top of the file.
I don't use the UPnP renderer except to test that it still works when new moOde releases are pending. ISTR that when I tried upmpdcli logging I had trouble getting upmpdcli to log to the /var/log directory so I throw the logs into /tmp instead. I also don't recall what log levels beyond 2 get you but even at log level 2, the libnpupnp log gets big fast.
Not at all sure what to expect can be found this way.
Yes, 192khz tracks playing good from that control points. I was tried also Jriver media center from same PC on which i have Audirvana and there is also no issues.