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Problem: Static noise when casting via upnp from Audirvana Studio
So, the situation is even more complicated than you first led us to believe. The original file is in FLAC format.

1. Audirvana Studio is transcoding the FLAC file to WAV before serving it via UPnP protocols. So I'm guessing your test on a USB stick was with the FLAC file, not the transcoded WAV file. An apples to oranges comparison.

2. I'm guessing your test with JRiver Media Center served the original FLAC file, not a transcoded WAV file. Again, an apples to oranges comparison.

Sorry, but it seems Audirvana Studio is intimately involved in your problem and I'm not interesting in debugging fee-for-service software.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Static noise when casting via upnp from Audirvana Studio - by TheOldPresbyope - Yesterday, 03:22 PM

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