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Instruction Guide Easy installation / setup / configuration guide for absolute beginners
(12-26-2018, 09:56 PM)foxint Wrote: Sorry I only found this today. I could not find any option to email when a new reply was added....

Any otherway?? I daughters small laptop with the card reader is not broken. I never use a card reader.

Can it be downloaded from the net, like normal programmes???

I am finding all this flashing, writing all very difficult. This is probaly why it take so long and I go back to windows it is far easier.

I do have runneaudio on the card, but I cannot make it work....


Hi, @foxint

Currently, like RuneAudio, moOde can be directly downloaded as a ready-to-use ISO image file and written to an SDcard using a card reader and appropriate software (which depends on your available computer and its OS). You can get the image file via the download link on the main website.

The instructions in this thread cover in some detail the longer process of building moOde OS and player starting with a fresh copy of the Raspbian OS. The Raspbian image file also must be downloaded and written to an SDcard so once again one begins with a card reader and appropriate software.

There is information about this download/write process available on the Raspberry Pi site and plenty more elsewhere on the Internet, in magazines, and books if it is unfamiliar to you. The Raspberry Pi is such a popular device that you likely can find a local group who can help you through the process. 


Messages In This Thread
RE: Easy installation / setup / configuration guide for absolute beginners - by TheOldPresbyope - 12-26-2018, 11:03 PM

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