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Instruction Guide 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi
(02-12-2019, 01:44 PM)angelo.rossi76 Wrote:
(02-11-2019, 08:27 PM)remy1961 Wrote:
(02-11-2019, 03:50 PM)angelo.rossi76 Wrote:
(09-23-2018, 05:34 PM)remy1961 Wrote: pydPiper for the 128x64 oled and raspdac script for the 16x2 oled.

[Image: 14b3uok.jpg]

Hi Remy, where can I find a procedure to enable Display like in this picture? I don't care about specrtum analyzer and I've been able to display what I want but... I loose everything every tyme I reload or reboot the system... please help me!
Angelo ( Rome - IT )
Hi Angelo,

You just have to follow this tutorial. What kind of display do you have?


Thanks Remy I've a SSD1306 display ( this:  and I followed your tutorial, and my display works fine!!! since I reload/reboot the system, may it be a rel.4.4 problem?
Hi. I am still on 4.3. I noticed that when i update to 4.4, my display works most of the time, but sometime it does not work. No time to investigate now. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi - by remy1961 - 02-12-2019, 04:10 PM
RE: help me - by ghera78 - 02-28-2020, 08:01 AM
RE: help me - by ghera78 - 02-28-2020, 01:17 PM

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