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Problem: NAS (Syncology) not able to mount properly
(02-19-2019, 01:55 PM)Bonky Wrote: Thanks Kent for the speedy reply.

Sorry, I tried that and adding: "vers=default,cache=strict,ro,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777"

I don't mean to sound ungrateful but one may expect that incremental updates  make things easier...

It's probably something very easy but I've tried all I know at present.

Thanks again,



Understandable reaction. We all want software which "just works ™".

You can help us get there if you're willing. Tim and I are coming from slightly different directions so bear with us.

Log into your moOde player's command line (using ssh on your Mac or using moOde's Web SSH Terminal which you enable from the System conf panel).

First, execute the following line just to scan your LAN for available servers. Please post your results. (Shown is partial output from a scan of my LAN. OMV-HC1 is my OpenMediaVault Server and MOODELR is a copy of moOde r4.4 running in my living room.):

pi@MoodeLR:~ $ smbtree -N -b
    \\OMV-HC1                omv-hc1 server
        \\OMV-HC1\IPC$               IPC Service (omv-hc1 server)
        \\OMV-HC1\Test               a test directory
    \\MOODELR                moOde SMB Server
        \\MOODELR\IPC$               IPC Service (moOde SMB Server)
        \\MOODELR\SDCard             SDCARD Storage
        \\MOODELR\Radio              RADIO Stations
        \\MOODELR\Playlists          Playlist Directory
        \\MOODELR\NAS                NAS Shares

I assume you will see a branch for \\NAS since that is the name you used in the NAS Source panel.

Second, to ferret out the SMB protocol version level your server will accept, try a sequence of commands against your server name (here, I assumed NAS) and, again, post your results:

pi@moode:~ $ smbclient -N -L NAS
pi@moode:~ $ smbclient -N -L NAS -m SMB2
pi@moode:~ $ smbclient -N -L NAS -m SMB3

The first will succeed and list the server's shares if SMB1 (vers=1.0) is acceptable. Otherwise it will fail with a protocol negotiation failed message.

Similarly, the second will succeed if SMB2 (vers=2.0) is acceptable and the third will succeed if SMB3 (vers=3.0) is acceptable.

Sorry that this works seems to retrace steps you've already taken.


Messages In This Thread
RE: NAS (Syncology) not able to mount properly - by TheOldPresbyope - 02-19-2019, 02:45 PM

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