Findings cont.
15. Meta tags under cover art: "?" shown when playing MP3's: for instance: "Track 12 • Year 2014 • ?/44.1 MPEG Audio". CD quality Flacs are OK: "Track 4 • Year 1992 • 16/44.1 FLAC"
16: Would love to see "Last track" renamed into "Last played track"
17: Equalizers (both of them): would have loved longer vertical bars in stead of short horizontal bars
18: When playing a radio station, clicking on the time should not display the overlapping 00:00 over "Radio" (cool idea, the radio text)
19: Speed of the UI in case of a 1000 song PL: great!! Even PL with 1500-2000 songs is "doable"...
20: ALSA Volume setting parameter: perfect for protection of my HP
21: In the playback history, I would prefer a button to play the song again instead of the google button
22: ...
15. Meta tags under cover art: "?" shown when playing MP3's: for instance: "Track 12 • Year 2014 • ?/44.1 MPEG Audio". CD quality Flacs are OK: "Track 4 • Year 1992 • 16/44.1 FLAC"
16: Would love to see "Last track" renamed into "Last played track"
17: Equalizers (both of them): would have loved longer vertical bars in stead of short horizontal bars
18: When playing a radio station, clicking on the time should not display the overlapping 00:00 over "Radio" (cool idea, the radio text)
19: Speed of the UI in case of a 1000 song PL: great!! Even PL with 1500-2000 songs is "doable"...
20: ALSA Volume setting parameter: perfect for protection of my HP
21: In the playback history, I would prefer a button to play the song again instead of the google button
22: ...