04-08-2019, 07:25 AM
(04-08-2019, 01:37 AM)leglubert Wrote: thank you all, for your interventions
I remain surprised that this simple choice given, are so difficult
I wonder where this 99% figure comes from!?
all the other players (Pioneer, Marantz, Cambridge) in our showroom sort the Artists correctly, and none of them propose to delete the "The"!
we thought it was fun to put a Raspberry in the lot.....
Amitiés à tous
Attached, a Raspberry in action
Sorting correctly in this context means that the results delivered are the most relevant. As so many bands preface their name with “the” it loses value as a differentiator and as previously said it becomes a secondary alphabetical index under the t’s. That various embedded systems don’t employ a smarter sort isn’t representative of best practice but rather ease of implementation. If you look at other computer based players you’ll usually find the sort employed is smarter than strictly alphabetical because it’s a relatively simple way to improve user experience by making it easier to find the artist or album they’re looking for. There’s a limit to what you can reasonably do in software though which is where the album sort tag we discussed comes in, take your example: The Dave Brubeck Quartet. While most people would mentally simplify it as a category of music by Dave Brubeck, people sometimes like to list things like artists by last name first so that rather than filing it with the t’s or d’s someone might instead like to file it under the b’s.
Discarding (or not) articles was actually an option in moode previously but was removed at some point without any other comment that I’ve seen (your message is actually the first time I noticed it missing). I think the album sort situation above is useful enough that it’ll happen and enable what you want and in a way that’ll enable even more control of how the library is presented.