04-13-2019, 06:41 PM
(04-13-2019, 06:34 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Its odd that with debug logging enabled there is no record of the mount string in the log given the presence of the code below in the sourceMount() function in /var/www/inc/playerlib.php
Code:$sysoutput = sysCmd($mountstr);
debugLog('sourceMount(): mountstr=(' . $mountstr . ')');
debugLog('sourceMount(): sysoutput=(' . implode("\n", $sysoutput) . ')');
To troubleshoot I'd first make sure that /mnt/NAS dir exists. There is no code in moOde that deletes it and its part of the platform build so it should definitely be there.
/MNT/NAS is definitely not there... I'll create it and see what I get.
Strange though if its part of the iso. All I did was use etcher to write it to SD and booted it up. I didnt do any trickery