04-29-2018, 05:49 PM
Auto-shuffle does support excluding things by tag or shuffling over a subset of files but I haven't experimented with any of these options. The dev gives examples of how to use the options in the Git repo. https://github.com/joshkunz/ashuffle
You could try turning it off in moOde UI and then running it from cmd line with something like --e genre classical
You could try turning it off in moOde UI and then running it from cmd line with something like --e genre classical
usage: ashuffle -h -n [-e PATTERN ...] [-o NUMBER] [-f FILENAME]
Optional Arguments:
-e,--exclude Specify things to remove from shuffle (think blacklist).
-o,--only Instead of continuously adding songs, just add 'NUMBER'
songs and then exit.
-h,-?,--help Display this help message.
-f,--file Use MPD URI's found in 'file' instead of using the entire MPD
library. You can supply `-` instead of a filename to retrive
URI's from standard in. This can be used to pipe song URI's
from another program into ashuffle.
-n,--nocheck When reading URIs from a file, don't check to ensure that
the URIs match the given exclude rules. This option is most
helpful when shuffling songs with -f, that aren't in the
MPD library.
See included `readme.md` file for PATTERN syntax.