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Official moOde 7.2.1 support thread
OSF bypass in ES9038Q2M requires feeding it 8X fs rate for example 352.8K for 44.1K PCM source up to 768K for 96K source. Max rate coded for SoX in moOde is 768K. I don't recall what Sync vs Async does.

I would look in MPD log for underrun errors "XRUN" or "decoder too slow" errors.

cat /var/log/mpd/log

tail -f /var/log/mpd/log

When I get a bit of spare time I'll run a few tests with OSF-B on using the upcoming 7.3.0 code base and see what happens.
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RE: Official moOde 7.2.1 support thread - by Tim Curtis - 06-16-2021, 09:49 AM

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