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A relocation of almost 6,000 miles last year and an onging uncertain situation here forced me, for an extended period of time, to listen to my music through a decent but relatively small Harman Kardon bluetooth speaker. In mono!

I sorely missed the simple luxury of stereo so I recently dusted off my Quad 22L2 speakers that I'd put into storage 12 years ago, paired them with a Marantz Cinema 70s and lashed together a Pi 5 (4GB), a Seagate portable drive and a HifiBerry Digi2 Pro into an enclosure.  Not my best work perhaps, but it looks decent enough and works well. 

Since I took the internal pic the connections to the power input and mains switch have been spade-connected and heat-shrunk and the power block is fixed into place. 
The LED in the pushbutton switch on the front panel is powered by a short USB cable to the Pi, and the RPi5 power button header pins are brought out to the switch so it can be put into and brought out of standby relatively easily.  

When I have time that I can dedicate to it my plan is to implement some form of remote control over the power button.


Next time I pay a visit 'home' I'll bring back my Quad centre speaker to replace the Dali Oberon Vokal that I bought as a temporary stopgap. 
And my Allo DigiOne. Or I'm thinking to try a transport from Ian Canada. Nothing esoteric. But for the moment this setup suits me just fine.

Thanks Tim. After a long absence moOde is keeping me sane once again.
Pi-4B[1GB] with Allo DigiOne SPDIF

'This is the time. And this is the record of the time.'
That a really a cool setup :-)

How did you get that uFL connector fitted to the Pi?
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Slowly, with the help of a YouTube video, a strong magnifier and a very fine-tipped soldering iron :-)

It's one of those things that I did just to see if I could... and for future-prooofing the build. At the moment I connect via ethernet, but who knows what the future may bring.
Pi-4B[1GB] with Allo DigiOne SPDIF

'This is the time. And this is the record of the time.'

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