Yeah, I see this more as an IoT kind of thing.
One possibility: put the "few favorite" radio stations in a separate playlist, keeping track of the ordering. Let's call it MyRadios for this discussion.
Then, one way or another, send directly to mpd the following commands:
load MyRadios
play <n>
where <n> = the position number of the desired entry in the playlist.
The commands could be sent via telnet (to port 6600 if default config), or via a local mpc client, or via netcat, or via whatever your pleasure for transmitting tcp packets. The IoT is chock-a-block with connective technologies.
So now the task is to gen up an app which does this and create desktop links for each of the favorite stations. Alternatively, one could imagine the moOde player's equivalent of the Amazon ordering buttons.
Of course the app could be made more complicated, like preserving the existing queue, working directly with the URIs, etc.