I don't believe the Allo has anything to do with your issue. There's an easy way to check---try using your Linn Kazoo app to control moOde directly via moOde's built-in UpnP Client for MPD. That's what I'm doing now as I just described. As well, I've now checked it against the Linn Kazoo app on my Android Pixel 3A phone---it's working just as well with moOde 6.5.1 as the iOS version is.
You're looking at three different pieces of software over which we have no control.
1) upmpdcli, which is incorporated into moOde from a third-party developer and which makes it possible to run moOde as a UPnP renderer. Many good and desirable bug fixes and enhancements have occurred to upmpdcli between the version in moOde 6.4 and the version in moOde 6.5.1. These changes have benefited moOde users but we had no control over their development.
2) Linn Kazoo. From moOde's standpoint, this is just another UPnP-speaking device. Again, it's upmpdcli which is doing the UPnP work.
3) BubbleUPnP. I have only a vague idea why you need this configuration but, again, to moOde it's just another UPnP-speaking device. I've used the BubbleUP client on my Android Pixel 3A phone with moOde to good effect but I've never tried to set up the three-way communication you seem to be describing.
Apparently a change in 1) causes 2) to complain when it communicates via 3). Yikes.
You've proposed to fix your issue by retreated to moOde 6.4. If all you are using moOde for is to turn your Allo into a UPnP renderer and media server, why not.
Another possible fix: If you must use Linn Kazoo, get Linn Davaar installed.
Another possible fix: use a different UPnP control point instead of Linn Kazoo. There are others; even Linn has more than one.