Hi Tim ,
I having a little problem with the thumbnails on the "browse by album" view not matching up with the album covers , I have tried to regenerate the thumbnails but it suggests only 2 are done and finishes the regen . The album covers do show in the player view and also when you show track list .
Also I have a similar problem with radio station thumbnails showing correctly in "browse by RadioStation" view but in player view it only shows certain ones some just show the moode logo .
I've attached images to show the issue.
any ideas of what the issue might be ?
apart from appearance everything plays as it should and ive just udated to the 6.5.2
thanks for all your hard work on the project
I having a little problem with the thumbnails on the "browse by album" view not matching up with the album covers , I have tried to regenerate the thumbnails but it suggests only 2 are done and finishes the regen . The album covers do show in the player view and also when you show track list .
Also I have a similar problem with radio station thumbnails showing correctly in "browse by RadioStation" view but in player view it only shows certain ones some just show the moode logo .
I've attached images to show the issue.
any ideas of what the issue might be ?
apart from appearance everything plays as it should and ive just udated to the 6.5.2
thanks for all your hard work on the project