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Official moOde 6.7.1 support thread
Not so much a bug as a cosmetic thing, with MPD volume set to disabled, I can park my mouse pointer over the volume control in desktop browser view and then get the volume bar to move up and down with the scroll wheel on the mouse. It doesn't affect that actual volume of course so it isn't a functional problem.
I won't be able to try and repro cos I don't have mouse. I've used trackpads for long time.

I suspect that jQuery.knob.js is still reacting to kbd input. Maybe someone with mouse and knowledge of the knob code can investigate.
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(08-20-2020, 01:46 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: I won't be able to try and repro cos I don't have mouse. I've used trackpads for long time.

I suspect that jQuery.knob.js is still reacting to kbd input. Maybe someone with mouse and knowledge of the knob code can investigate.

"Two finger scroll" on my trackpad has the same effect if that helps.
(07-29-2020, 04:17 PM)ухо5142 Wrote: Какая версия Moode отлично работает с Allo 2.1+ Kali? 
Volumio has similar problems with Piano, it seems.
They work for a very long time!
(07-19-2020, 11:05 PM)fdealexa Wrote:
(07-19-2020, 10:54 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote:
(07-19-2020, 10:00 PM)fdealexa Wrote: Hello everybody,
as usual a very good job.
I have a question: is there any instruction about the sintax of the cfg_radio.csv? 
I have some dubts on the use of the " (quotation marks) and the needs to keep the deleted records: in other words if I create a new cfg_radio.csv with the correct record number may I replace some existing radio?
Is the 499 record a MUST or may I expand the radio's number more than 500?
Thanks again for the great job and best regards to everybody,

Are you are using the Import/Export station feature?

As Kent said the double quotes are required by SQL. It's to handle strings containing embedded spaces and other special characters. If the string contains double or single quotes then there is a special way of designating them which I can't recall ATM.


127,,"Soma FM - BAGeL Radio",s,local,"Alternative Rock","Soma FM",English,"United States","North America",128,AAC

Leave record ID 499 in the file. It's a reserved record to designate the highest ID for moOde's predefined stations. User added stations, those added via the UI + button would start at ID >= 500.

Thanks a lot, Tim.
I will try, as suggested  by  Kent,  and I will disturb again if needed.
Thank againg and best regards,

Hi Tim, Hi Kent and everyone.
as suggested, I did a lot of testing (1 month), and found some interesting things:
1. all the .pls records must end with ascii 0A only. It has been hard to find out because I use "notepad" that ends records with 0D and 0A
2. the same as in point 1 is for "cfg_radio.csv" (0A only)
3. the most important to my point of view (your precious help is kindly needed): if you try to import a small number of new radios everything is fine but if the number is greater than 40/45 there is a problem hanging the IMPORT phase. I found that the problem appears to be related to logos. Normally in the .zip there are: .csv, .pls, logos and thumbs ... if the number of the radio is high, just insert in the zipped file: .csv and .pls and only some logos and thumbs. Obviously you have radios without logos (you can edit manually later). One last thing: if you complete the change for all radios, you can save (export) everything fine.

A workaround solution could be the "merge" or "add" function, which you have already announced for the near future, but it is strange that it can handle a good number of items in export, but not in import.

Do you have any suggestions?

Sorry for my English, thanks for your cooperation and best regards,
PS: I tried on a 1GB Rpi and a 4GB Rpi and the problem is the same.
It's not obvious to me what's going on in #3 but it's probably not the number of stations or whether or not all logos/thumbs are present given that the entire default radio station collection of ~200 stations can be exported and then re-imported without any issues.
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As for points #1 and #2, moOde is built on Linux. It's unreasonable to expect the input routines in every Linux app to always be protected against foreign OS's end-of-line conventions.

There is a Linux utility named "dos2unix" which will convert text files between so-called CRLF and LF line endings. It can be installed from the command line in Raspberry Pi OS with "sudo apt-get install dos2unix".


As for #3, I have now read your post several times and still don't think I understand what the issue is. 

If you could upload to a file-sharing site (DropBox, GoogleDrive, etc) one of your zip files known to hang on import and send me a link via this forum's private message (PM) function, I'll be happy to download it and have a look. 

Maybe we should sanitize the files as part if the import routine ??

1. Convert pls and csv files to Unix/Mac line endings (LF)
2. Delete any annoying Mac OS X dot files or dot dirs
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
(08-20-2020, 08:04 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: It's not obvious to me what's going on in #3 but it's probably not the number of stations or whether or not all logos/thumbs are present given that the entire default radio station collection of ~200 stations can be exported and then re-imported without any issues.

Infact... the problem appears addinng 40/45 stations to the original 180!!!

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