I'm using RPi 3 B+ with Hifiberry DAC+Pro.
I have a Hiletgo 1.3" OLED converted to i2c .
Running Moode Release: 6.7.1 2020-07-22
I got the this point in the install,
sudo ./mpd_oled -o 6 -b 10 -g 1 -f 20
screen is on, time, IP...
if I play a song from Moode/local I can see everything moving, bars, bits, title, but no sound.
If I play from Squeezer (phone), I have sound but nothing is moving on the screen and doesn't show the right song, still shows the song from Moode page.
Also after running the sudo above, the Putty window doesn't go back to pi@moode, so I cannot finish the install
nano mpd_oled.service ....
or I don't know how to exit this state. I have to kill putty, but by doing that the screen shut down.
So I'm stuck.