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Instruction Guide 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi

The idea is that @dewosch respects the Forum's rules.
I apologise. My browser translates all posts automatically. I will switch it off.
I have just made a change to mpd_oled that should help with the issue of the spectrum display lagging behind the audio, and may also fix an issue I sometimes see where the spectrum is shift-rotated so the bass bars are in the centre.

If you don't have these issues there is no need to update. If you do have these issues then I recommend trying the new version.

Hi Adrian,

 How is it going to work with MoOde 7?
Are you working on updating it or there is no need?
I'll add @adrii to the Test Team so he can test his nice software against our beta and candidate releases :-)

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Cool, thanks.
Now Adrian has to do more work  Smile
Hi Alain

I don't have time to review the development versions of players, I just try to be quick about fixing issues when they are reported. However, if this is a major release of Moode and there is a release candidate available (thanks Tim) then I will check the mpd_oled install instructions against it ahead of the release.

Thanks Adrian
Hello Adrian,

 I read on post #66, how to only keep the clock, but when a song is playing I want to get rid of the clock and only show Spectrum.
So I went in main.cpp and commented out line 427-428

//draw_time(display, 128-10*W+clock_offset, 2*H, 2, disp_info.clock_format);
//int clock_offset = (disp_info.clock_format < 2) ? 0 : -2;

but the clock still shows.

Where else could I look?
Hi Alain

Commenting out those lines should work (although they are in the wrong order). Did you build mpd_oled again (without errors) and run the the install command (or run a ./mpd_oled  test comand)?


P.S. mpd_oled works fine with Moode 7, but needs a new patch. I will update the instructions when Moode 7 is released.

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