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Instruction Guide 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi
let me try a different sd card.
Hi Alain

It looks like you have run out of memory. There is a chromium-browse process that is using 70% memory and the swap daemon seems to be active.

Looking at my Pi Zero 512Mb running Moode 6.7 The swap daemon is using 0% CPU and the highest user of memroy is MPD with 4%.

Still stuck after 30 min now, kswapd0 at 6 %cpu, and chromium at 70 %mem.
it got unstuck the time before, but I rebooted it and now stuck again.
I will wait 7.0.1 to try again.
Everything is working great now, I have been monitoring with "top" during all installation and any setting changes in Moode.

Merry Christmas Adrian.
Hi Alain

Great! Merry Christmas to you too.

Hi Adrian,
 Sorry I think there is a problem, I installed 701 on another sdcard and let it run for a while, playing songs then stop, with the local UI, a 3.5 screen, and Moode didn't have any problem , I was able to play again after 20-30 mins.
Then I install mpd_oled, and I did the same, playing some songs then stop, waiting half an hour and then UI was stuck, kswap was on, that's mean chromium must have been using all the memory. The thing is, if I wait long enough (at least an hour) kswap is gone, chromium too, so no more UI showing on local screen, but I can use Moode again with my PC browser.
Any idea? I didn't do any other modification on that sdcard.

I'm back re-using 671 for now, working great even with all modifs.
701 is working great too with all my modifications, it's only that, I cannot not use it for awhile, if I want it to work. I need to turn it off after listening to music or be sure to send another song before 10 mins to keep chromium memory down.

Hi Alain

I recommend that you reinstall Moode and introduce changes that might be responsible one at a time, and allow a couple of days between each change so the issue has a reasonal opportunity to appear:
  1. reinstall and enable your local display
  2. turn on the generation of the metadata file in the UI at Configure / System / Local Services / Metadata file
  3. downlaod and mpd_oled and get it running with a ./mpd_oled test command, but do not run
  4. run
ok, thanks
strange but i can't find a display
bigger then 0.96’’ OLED

which fit the criteria of
- 128x64
- SSD1306, SSD1309, SH1106 or SSH1106 controller

and finding them in a shop in Switzerland or Germany
and be around 2.4"

have a nice day
Raspberry Pi3B+ --> HiFiBerry DAC+ PRO --> Cyrus | Pre - Pre Amplifier --> D. Klimo | Kent monoblocks --> Piega | Piega LDR 8.2
Raspberry Pi3B+ --> HiFiBerry AMP2 --> Visaton FRS 8 30W 4Ω
Hi vinc

If you are happy to use ebay, then there are quite a few on there, e.g.


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