02-24-2021, 01:02 PM
Is there anybody here that can answer a couple of questions? I'm thinking about repurposing some old items using Moode and ESP32. I really hate seeing so much usable waste in the landfill sites and I want to do my small part to bring things back to life. Can anyone tell me what the licensing requirements are for Moode if used in an item that is sold? Also, is Moode able to run on an ESP32. I did some early trials using a pi zero but they aren't robust enough to put a consumer oriented product.
Is there anybody here that can answer a couple of questions? I'm thinking about repurposing some old items using Moode and ESP32. I really hate seeing so much usable waste in the landfill sites and I want to do my small part to bring things back to life. Can anyone tell me what the licensing requirements are for Moode if used in an item that is sold? Also, is Moode able to run on an ESP32. I did some early trials using a pi zero but they aren't robust enough to put a consumer oriented product.