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Instruction Guide 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi
Hi gabrielhssilva

It looks like there is a mistake in the instructions (sorry), as I changed the packages to install to /usr rather than /usr/local but haven't updated this part of the instructions. In which case, see if the missing file is in /usr/share/mpd_oled
ls /usr/share/mpd_oled

And if so the next commands should be (EDIT: Assuming you are on Moode 7)
sudo cp /usr/share/mpd_oled/mpd_oled_fifo.conf /usr/local/etc/
sudo patch -d/ -p0 -N < /usr/share/mpd_oled/moode/moode7_mpd_fifo.patch

(02-25-2021, 06:20 PM)adrii Wrote: Hi gabrielhssilva

It looks like there is a mistake in the instructions (sorry), as I changed the packages to install to /usr rather than /usr/local but haven't updated this part of the instructions. In which case, see if the missing file is in /usr/share/mpd_oled
ls /usr/share/mpd_oled

And if so the next commands should be (EDIT: Assuming you are on Moode 7)
sudo cp /usr/share/mpd_oled/mpd_oled_fifo.conf /usr/local/etc/
sudo patch -d/ -p0 -N < /usr/share/mpd_oled/moode/moode7_mpd_fifo.patch


That's right, thank you very much Adrian!
Hi Adrian,
 Are binary and source install the same? I mean do they install same files in same folders?

By the way, I installed the binary in Volumio without any problem, works great, thanks
Hi Alain

If you build from source it installs to /usr/local, if you install the package it installs to /usr (there is a check in the package to look for an install in /usr/local as this could cause confilcts).

The package will normally be slightly behind the source, but the process of producing the package is automated and so it is easy enough for me to produce a new package when needed. The same deb package is used for both Moode and Volumio.

For anyone feeling brave, here are some instructions for making a copy of the audio by overriding the graphic equaliser ALSA configurations
(you need to enable a graphic equaliser for this to work, and the graphic equaliser will remain functional).

This should work wth all audio sources, and does not involve modifying any Moode files, and so should not inhibit an upgrade (unlike the FIFO patch).

(02-26-2021, 07:23 PM)adrii Wrote: For anyone feeling brave, here are some instructions for making a copy of the audio by overriding the graphic equaliser ALSA configurations
(you need to enable a graphic equaliser for this to work, and the graphic equaliser will remain functional).

This should work wth all audio sources, and does not involve modifying any Moode files, and so should not inhibit an upgrade (unlike the FIFO patch).


Hi Adrian,
It is a very interesting point of view; as you probably know, Peppymeter needs Peppyalsa to work and, before using a patch to playerlib.php, I tried the loopback option to no avail, probably due to my poor knowledge of mpd and alsa and possibly lack of documentation I found.
At this point I kindly ask you a couple of things:
1. Do you have any interesting documentation to suggest, please?
2. Could we try to ask the moode development team to implement the option to have (in the mpd configuration) the ability to add one or more modules?
A kind comment on the second point will be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely and thanks,
Hi Francesco

1. The documentation is the ALSA documentation (I can't recommend any particlar page), but my description of how to make the audio copy might be enough if you want to try.

2. I think it would be more useful to the Moode team to receive feature requests from individuals, as we all have different needs.

I apologize for this: I understood that your post was related to the creation of FIFO and therefore to avoid the patch to the .php files (worker and playerlib): reading in detail the post on github I see that it is not.
I'm sorry.
Best regards and thanks,
Hi Francesco

The configuration makes the patch unnecessary, as it creates a copy of the audio without modifying Moode, but it sends the copy to an ALSA stream rather than to a FIFO.

updated from Moode 7.0.1 to 7.1.
it works except the equalizer band.
Could you help me to investigate this?

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