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Instruction Guide 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi
(03-22-2021, 08:23 PM)adrii Wrote: Hi officialsm

Install the mpd_oled service with

sudo mpd_oled_service_edit -o 6 -b 10 -g 1 -f 20 -c alsa,hw:Loopback,1

Then it will start at boot.


i have this error:

pi@Simoode-audio:~/mpd_oled_moode_audio_copy_scripts $ sudo mpd_oled_service_edit -o 6 -b 10 -g 1 -f 20 -c alsa,hw:Loopback,1

sudo: mpd_oled_service_edit: command not found
Hi officialsm

Either install the latest mpd_oled and use 'mpd_oled_service_edit', or if you are using an old version then use the old instructions:

Hi Adrian,

ok it's working but has problem.
I installed it from source 7, until your mark "UPDATE FOR MOODE 7.1" then I installed the ALSA script with your
sudo bash mpd_oled_moode_audio_copy_install

worked great. (enabled paramEQ)

Then I had to go back to this page to install the service
sudo mpd_oled_service_install

then I entered
sudo mpd_oled_service_edit -o 6 -b 10 -g 1 -f 20 -c alsa,hw:Loopback,1

And it worked.

But, if you start with low volume, I had mine at 15, the bars will be barely visible, only after 2 minutes they will reach a normal size.
If you raise the volume to 50, the bars grow even taller, but as soon you go back to 15, the bars become flat again and it takes again 2 minutes to reach a normal size.

This is not the behavior we used to see before.
Hi Alain

The instructions are different for installing the mpd_oled package and for installing mpd_oled from source, as the package is configured to run 'mpd_oled_service_install' when it is being installed.

The old audio copy method had MPD make the copy, so the system volume probably wasn't involved. I don't see any Cava settings to make the adaptation (autosens) more responsive

Hi Adrian,
 so what you are saying is that the binary install should be all right? the bars will not vary depending on the volume?
Hi Alain

No, the behaviour will be the same. It is due to the way the audio copy is made, not whether mpd_oled is installed from a package or source. As I understand it, the audio copy does not differentiate between the music getting quieter and the volume being turned down. 

Hi Adrii,
Ive got mixed up...
What to do after the 7.1.0 update?
The display was ok, but now give a black screen :-(
follow the instructions:
and add:
what means the following:
but when and what is then obsolete in the first instructions???

sorry for my questions but after 47 pages and ''by my never liked github layout'' left me in confusion.....
Hi har

I am no longer providing a patches for Moode to set up an audio copy using MPD. The 7.0 patch appears to be incompatible with 7.1 and so a different method of creating the audio copy is required for 7.1. This is work in progress, and the github threads are so people can contribute to the solution. The following appears to be working, run the install script here

Then run mpd_oled with the extra option '-c alsa,hw:Loopback,1'.

Hi Adrian,
if I modify main.cpp and display.cpp like last time, what script do I need to run after to show the change?
installed from source 7.
Hi Alain

If you already installed from the source directory then

sudo make install-strip


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