I'm using v7.3 on a Pi Zero W and the Apple USB -> 3.5mm dongle. It's all working great.
Until I enable Volume normalization on the mpd settings page. This works but at the start of a track where there's little/no audio for a few seconds there's a very loud buzzing noise. I suspect what's happening is that the normalisation isn't skipping ahead and just blindly amplifies the audio to the max and adjusts it back down when the music turns up. When I rewind to the start of the track it must be happy with the boost it's applying and doesn't repeat the process with the buzzing. The same with jumping between tracks - once it's sorted out this hiccup it doesn't repeat the problem, until I press stop, then it will come back again, like it's resetting the boost level.
Is there some better way of doing this, such as seeking forward looking for the loudest point in the song before playing any of it? Perhaps seeking a 90 minute track might take a bit long so limiting it to a few seconds/minutes might be enough.
I'm using the EU dongle which is known for its quiet maximum output level (which is why i'm using normalization in the first place) - when I was fiddling with alsa (back before I started using moOde) I was using an equalizer and got what I think was a very similar sound when I tried to boost the level that way so it's possible the problem is a combination of not knowing how much to boost, and the dongle not being especially clean when pushed? The buzzing noise is identical regardless of which music I play so it's not part of the .flacs themselves.
Until I enable Volume normalization on the mpd settings page. This works but at the start of a track where there's little/no audio for a few seconds there's a very loud buzzing noise. I suspect what's happening is that the normalisation isn't skipping ahead and just blindly amplifies the audio to the max and adjusts it back down when the music turns up. When I rewind to the start of the track it must be happy with the boost it's applying and doesn't repeat the process with the buzzing. The same with jumping between tracks - once it's sorted out this hiccup it doesn't repeat the problem, until I press stop, then it will come back again, like it's resetting the boost level.
Is there some better way of doing this, such as seeking forward looking for the loudest point in the song before playing any of it? Perhaps seeking a 90 minute track might take a bit long so limiting it to a few seconds/minutes might be enough.
I'm using the EU dongle which is known for its quiet maximum output level (which is why i'm using normalization in the first place) - when I was fiddling with alsa (back before I started using moOde) I was using an equalizer and got what I think was a very similar sound when I tried to boost the level that way so it's possible the problem is a combination of not knowing how much to boost, and the dongle not being especially clean when pushed? The buzzing noise is identical regardless of which music I play so it's not part of the .flacs themselves.