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Problem: Changes removed/overwritten on reboot
Moode 8.0.2

It seems to be hit and miss on this one, but I've made some sort of non-Moode related changes that have been removed on reboot. 

For example, I set /mnt/SDCARD to mode 666 in order to save music files that the library can see (I would like to play local files and I have a boot SSD hooked up with plenty of space. Makes a nice portable system) but sometimes they get erased and the folder reset to whatever the default was. Most of the time it's fine though.

Another off the top of my head is that I made a crontab that completely disappeared on reboot.

There are some other examples, but I kind of wrote them off to me screwing around too much and didn't pay much attention.
Typically if there is a code block thats causing the behavior it will occur every time and not "sometimes". It's not obvious to me whats going on with your install but Cron and SDCARD are configured during the build as below.

1. /mntSDCARD directory is created during the build and it inherits 0755 permissions from /mnt/ dir. Permissions are not changed by moOde after that.
2. Cron is set to disabled during the build and moOde does not have any code that touches cron.
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I thought as much. Probably something I did... I'll try to reproduce.
(04-25-2022, 06:21 AM)wdyn1 Wrote: Moode 8.0.2

It seems to be hit and miss on this one, but I've made some sort of non-Moode related changes that have been removed on reboot. 

Tim has addressed this point.

Quote:For example, I set /mnt/SDCARD to mode 666 in order to save music files that the library can see (I would like to play local files...

...but this point needs discussion. 

/mnt/SDCARD is a directory object in MPD's music directory path. Quoting from the MPD User's Manual,

Quote:Does the MPD user have read permission on all music files, and read+execute permission on all music directories (and all of their parent directories)?

Then there's the next point

Quote:and I have a boot SSD hooked up with plenty of space. Makes a nice portable system) ...

This has been discussed at various times. Keeping the system on an SDcard and the music on a separate SSD/HD/NAS/whatever has advantages, even if moOde (and Raspberry Pi OS) could always be updated/upgraded incrementally. Still, it's your player and you can do what you will with it. Smile


PS - As do others, I maintain music files in /mnt/SDCARD via the SMB share that moOde publishes.

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