Hello together,
in the past, every time I updated to a new version of moode, I was copying a bunch of *.pls files to /var/lib/mpd/music/RADIO, and they appeared in the list of radio stations,but this does not work any longer with version 8, because it seems that the way radio stations are showed up in moode library is changed.
I found out, that fileowner of my *.pls files was pi:pi and changed it to root:root, did a library update, but this did not help.
For test I wanted to create one of that stations, but got the error message, that the station does already exists, what is correct, because the pls file with that name indeed exist.
Then I created a new radio station with default name "New station" and found the file 'New station.pls' in the folder /var/lib/mpd/music/RADIO, but my pls files still are not visible in the library RADIO.
I was testing the functions "Un-hide all" and "show hidden" but this will not help at all.
Because I'm a Linux admin, the way of just copying the *.pls files into /var/lib/mpd/music/RADIO was a very simple task and I now I start to despair, why I couldn't manage it at all.
Someone with an idea, what I did wrong or what I did miss?
Thanks in advance for a note on how to solve this issue.
If I had to reenter all of them manually, is there a way to export/import without additional tools?
Best regards,
Andy - [Atman]
in the past, every time I updated to a new version of moode, I was copying a bunch of *.pls files to /var/lib/mpd/music/RADIO, and they appeared in the list of radio stations,but this does not work any longer with version 8, because it seems that the way radio stations are showed up in moode library is changed.
I found out, that fileowner of my *.pls files was pi:pi and changed it to root:root, did a library update, but this did not help.
For test I wanted to create one of that stations, but got the error message, that the station does already exists, what is correct, because the pls file with that name indeed exist.
Then I created a new radio station with default name "New station" and found the file 'New station.pls' in the folder /var/lib/mpd/music/RADIO, but my pls files still are not visible in the library RADIO.
I was testing the functions "Un-hide all" and "show hidden" but this will not help at all.
Because I'm a Linux admin, the way of just copying the *.pls files into /var/lib/mpd/music/RADIO was a very simple task and I now I start to despair, why I couldn't manage it at all.
Someone with an idea, what I did wrong or what I did miss?
Thanks in advance for a note on how to solve this issue.
If I had to reenter all of them manually, is there a way to export/import without additional tools?
Best regards,
Andy - [Atman]