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Problem: Moved my music to new NAS but library remains empty
hi all Moode enthusiasts,

I moved my music to another NAS and added a new source for it in both my RPi3 and 4, and removed the old source. The new source is properly (NFS) mounted when I check via SSH, it lists the remote directory nicely like this:

pi@moode:/mnt/NAS/DS216PLAY $ ls -lrt
drwxrwxrwx    3 1027 users     4096 Mar 20 00:15 'The Winery Dogs - The Winery Dogs (2013)'
drwxrwxrwx    3 1027 users     4096 Mar 20 00:15 'Franz Ferdinand'
drwxrwxrwx    3 1027 users     4096 Mar 20 00:15 'The Commodores'
pi@moode:/mnt/NAS/DS216PLAY $

I can also open files in this SSH session, like the various .txt files hanging around in some folders, so the mount to me looks like OK.
However after plenty of presses on Update Library and Recreate Music Database, it all finishes immediately but no content shows up in the Library view under NAS, its empty on both Pi's, so no folder "DS216PLAY" shows up. The Music source definition looks also fine (and marked green).

Any idea what I am missing? 

regards Martin
To troubleshoot:

1. Reboot

2. Examine the startup log for mount errors

moodeutl -l

3. Monitor the MPD log

# Clear the log
sudo truncate /var/log/mpd/log --size 0

# Monitor as it's written, Ctrl-c to exit
tail -f /var/log/mpd/log

# List the entire log
cat /var/log/mpd.log

4. Regenerate the Library and look for errors in the MPD log
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
thanks! So that gives a clear view on the problem (but not the solution yet..)

pi@moode:~ $ tail -f /var/log/mpd/log
Mar 22 15:19 : update: updating SDCARD/Stereo Test/LRMonoPhase4.flac
Mar 22 15:19 : exception: Failed to open /var/lib/mpd/music/NAS/DS216PLAY: Permission denied

I can still CD to this "/var/lib/mpd/music/NAS/DS216PLAY" location with the pi user and list the directory contents and read files?

regards Martin
MPD documentation


# NFS Server
# - Options: rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash
# - Permissions: (all subdirectories and files also have 0755)
pi@trx:~ $ stat /media/VFAT128/FLAC/ | grep "Access: ("
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)

# NFS Client
# Mount: IP_ADDRESS/media/VFAT128/FLAC on /mnt/NAS/TRX-NFS-FLAC type nfs4
# Permissions:
pi@kef:~ $ stat /mnt/NAS/TRX-NFS-FLAC/ | grep "Access: ("
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Allright well tried couple of NFS settings on the Synology NAS but it all wont get me past the "Permission Denied" ... just slightly disappointing but will retry later.

For now I reverted back to the Netgear ReadyNAS (which is still running anyway) which doesnt give me such NFS problems.

regards Martin
I switched to SMB and the problem is fixed ...
On your new NAS the NFS options prolly need to be set to "no_root_squash" so that root is used when accessing the files, otherwise file access will be unprivileged and MPD on the client won't be able to access the files.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
I run synology also and could never get NFS to work on it. I don't know what they do, but it seems that the relevant settings are difficult to find or inaccessible from the UI and get overridden if they are set through the command line.

SMB works just fine though, so that's all good Smile
So what I see is that NFS on the Synology works perfectly fine from some other systems I have (like Netgear ReadyNAS and CoreElec Kodi mediaplayers)

BUT its totally annoying since it shows and copies you the hidden metadata directories named "@eaDir" which are present in each folder

When accessed via SMB they stay hidden so I guess on Synology better not use NFS at all, I changed to SMB everywhere
You might want to try using a Moode Pi as a NAS. Just plug in a USB Drive and turn on NFS file sharing.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub

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