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Greetings from Auckland!
Hi there,

I've long enjoyed ripping my CDs and playing them back via PC etc.
Way back when 128kbps mp3 were considered cool.

I've re-ripped my CDs several times now...320k mp3 and recently into FLAC.
Usually listen via Plex.

Then I discovered how to rip my SACDs across a network using a Pioneer BDP-170 and have those as DSD on my network at home.
Plex doesn't stream DSD natively so I started toying with a dedicated PC running foobar2000.

I connect the PC via USB to my Topping E50 DAC then RCA into my Cambridge Audio 751R-v2 multimedia amp.
The sound quality is ok but nowhere near the quality of my Cambridge Audio 751BD Universal player playing the SACD.
On top of that, I'm getting occasional dropouts etc so decided I'd have a stab at a Raspberry Pi 4b which I had lying around.

Using Volumio, immediately I hear a much improved sound using same connections (USB - E50 - CA751R-v2), although the sound could be considered a bit bright.
None-the-less better than the PC but still a tad shy of the 751BD playing the SACD.
And no dropouts since using the RPi!

I'm not a huge fan of Volumio's UI or the brightness of the SQ, so here I am...trying out MoOde after some suggestions over on another forum.

Let's see how that goes.

(07-13-2023, 12:16 AM)dmonds Wrote: Hi there,

I've long enjoyed ripping my CDs and playing them back via PC etc.
Way back when 128kbps mp3 were considered cool.

I've re-ripped my CDs several times now...320k mp3 and recently into FLAC.
Usually listen via Plex.

Then I discovered how to rip my SACDs across a network using a Pioneer BDP-170 and have those as DSD on my network at home.
Plex doesn't stream DSD natively so I started toying with a dedicated PC running foobar2000.

I connect the PC via USB to my Topping E50 DAC then RCA into my Cambridge Audio 751R-v2 multimedia amp.
The sound quality is ok but nowhere near the quality of my Cambridge Audio 751BD Universal player playing the SACD.
On top of that, I'm getting occasional dropouts etc so decided I'd have a stab at a Raspberry Pi 4b which I had lying around.

Using Volumio, immediately I hear a much improved sound using same connections (USB - E50 - CA751R-v2), although the sound could be considered a bit bright.
None-the-less better than the PC but still a tad shy of the 751BD playing the SACD.
And no dropouts since using the RPi!

I'm not a huge fan of Volumio's UI or the brightness of the SQ, so here I am...trying out MoOde after some suggestions over on another forum.

Let's see how that goes.


Hi and welcome from another Kiwi !

I have trawled TradeMoi looking for a well priced Pioneer BDP-170 or similar for SACD ripping but I have so few the prices asked are just too high.
(Dark Side, Jazz at the Pawnshop, and a couple of others somewhere)


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