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moode audio and home assistant
Good morning. I'm looking for a way to install home assistant on moode audio , but I can't, I tried to activate lxde desktop mode without any success, then tried to install home assistant core in a docker . Is there any solution to use my raspberry with hifiberry and also install home assistant? sorry for my English. Thank you
There are some existing threads that discuss Home Assistant.

Try Search "home assitant"
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(08-16-2023, 01:45 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Ci sono alcuni thread esistenti che discutono di Home Assistant.

Prova Cerca "assistente domiciliare"

Thanks for the reply.

on this forum I don't find any discussion about how to install moode audio and HA on the same roca, not even google helps  Huh
(08-16-2023, 01:52 PM)pakos Wrote:
(08-16-2023, 01:45 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Ci sono alcuni thread esistenti che discutono di Home Assistant.

Prova Cerca "assistente domiciliare"

Grazie per la risposta.

su questo forum non trovo discussioni su come installare moode audio e HA sullo stesso roca, nemmeno Google aiuta  Huh

Please post in English so everyone can understand.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub

AFAIK, there's no published solution to running HA and moOde on the same physical RPi.

We know the Docker runtime can be installed on a moOde player. See, for example, how it has been used in moOde to run pydPiper.

As to why you couldn't install the HA Core container, I have no idea. The HA website gives the warning "This is an advanced installation process". I think this means you are on your own.

I've said before and I remain convinced that it's better to run HA elsewhere.


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