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MoOde for Allo DigiOne problem
Hello, I want to install Moode for my Allo DigiOne and all worked fine. I am a Mac user and after setting up I can not connect my Macbook Pro via SSH to the Pi to installing the Roon Bridge, I have searched the web, but can not find a solution. Help is welcome, thanks
Post the startup log.

You can either copy/paste from System info (its at the end) or download ir from the Logs section of System Config.

Menu, Configure, System
Menu, System info
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Thanks for answering Tim, currently not at home now, will post the startup log tomorrow, best regards
(09-19-2023, 04:22 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Post the startup log.

You can either copy/paste from System info (its at the end) or download ir from the Logs section of System Config.

Menu, Configure, System
Menu, System info

Tim, here the log

S Y S T E M   P A R A M E T E R S

moOde release = 8.3.6 2023-09-05
RaspiOS = 11.7
Linux kernel = 6.1.21-v7+ #1642
Platform = Pi-3B+ 1.3 1GB
Architecture = armhf (32-bit)
Home directory = /home/erichhofer
System uptime = up 8 minutes
Timezone = Europe/Vienna
Current time = 2023-09-20 05:09:16

Host name = digione
Ethernet address =
Ethernet MAC = b8:27:eb:51:10:f7
WLAN address =
WLAN MAC = b8:27:eb:04:45:a2
WLAN country = US
WLAN AP chan = 6
WLAN AP router = Off

SoC identifier = bcm2837
Core count = 4
Kernel timer freq = 100 Hz
SDCard freq = 50 MHz
USB boot = enabled
Warranty = OK

Root size = 6.8G
Root used = 40%
Root available = 4.0G
Root expand = expanded
Memory total = 944 MB
Memory free = 798 MB
Memory used = 146 MB
SoC temperature = 56.9°C
Throttled bitmask = 0x0
Throttled text = No throttling has occurred

Worker responsiveness = Default
CPU governor = ondemand
USB auto-mounter = udisks-glue
Pi integrated WiFi = On
Pi integrated BT = On
HDMI output = On
LED state = 1,1
IP addr timeout = 90 (secs)
Ethernet check = No
SSH term server = On
Reduced sys logging = Off

SMB file sharing = Off
NFS file sharing = Off
NFS access =
NFS options = rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash

PHP-FPM version = 7.4.33
NGINX version = 1.18.0
SQLite3 version = 3.34.1
Hostapd version = 2.9
RPi.GPIO version = 0.7.0

A U D I O   P A R A M E T E R S

Audio device = Allo DigiOne
Interface = I2S
Mixer name = none
Hardware mixer = No
Supported formats = S16_LE, S24_LE
ALSA max volume = 100
ALSA output mode = Default (plughw)
ALSA loopback = Off
MPD max volume = 100
Volume step limit = 10
Display dB volume = Off
Audio source = Local
Output device = Local
Resume MPD = No
Volume knob = 0
Volume mute = Unmuted
Saved MPD vol = 0
Preamp volume = 0
ALSA version = 1.2.4-1.1+rpt2
SoX version = 0.1.3-4+rpi1

Bluetooth controller = Off
Pairing agent = Off
AirPlay receiver = Off
Spotify receiver = Off
Squeezelite = Off
RoonBridge = Not installed
UPnP client = Off
DLNA server = Off
GPIO button handler = Off
Multiroom sender = Off
Multiroom receiver = Disabled

Auto-shuffle = Off
Ashuffle mode = Track
Ashuffle filter = None
Autoplay = Off
Rotary encoder = Off
Encoder params = 100 2 3 23 24
USB volume knob = Off
Polarity inversion = Off
Crossfeed = Off
Crossfade = Off
Parametric EQ = Off
Graphic EQ = Off
CamillaDSP = off
CamillaDSP volsync = Off
MPD httpd = Off
Ignore CUE files = Yes


Theme = Default
Accent color = Carrot
Alpha blend = 1.0
Adaptive background = No
Background image = No
Cover backdrop = No
Cover blur = 20px
Cover scale = 1.25
Renderer backdrop = No
Font size = Normal
Native lazyload = Yes

Show Queue thumbs = Yes
Show Now-playing icon = Yes
Show CoverView playbar = Yes
Show extra metadata = album,genre,track,disc,date,composer,conductor,performer,encoded
Search site = Google
Playback history log = No

One touch album = Play
One touch radio = Play
One touch playlist = No action
Albumview sort order = by Artist
Tagview sort order = by Artist
Track play = Track
Recently added = 1 Month
Show sample rate = No
Cover search pri = Embedded cover
Pixel ratio = 2
Thumbgen scan fmts = Default
Thumbnail resolution = Auto
Thumbnail columns = 6/2 (Default)

Library (Advanced)
Tag view genre = Genres
Tag view artist = Artist
Album key = Album@Artist (Default)
Include comment tag = No
Library filter = full_lib
Library filter str =
Ignore articles = a,an,the
Show tagview genres = Yes
Show tagview covers = Yes
Ellipsis limited text = No
UTF8 character filter = No

Timed display = Never
Automatic display = Off
Backdrop style = Gradient (Linear)
Display mode = Cover
Layout = Default
Extra metadata = No

R A D I O   M A N A G E R   S E T T I N G S

Sort tag = Name
Group method = No grouping
Show moOde stations = No action
Show other stations = No action

P L A Y L I S T   M A N A G E R   S E T T I N G S

Sort tag = Name
Group method = No grouping

M P D   S E T T I N G S

Version = 0.23.12
Volume type = software
SoX resampling = disabled
Selective resampling = disabled
SoX quality = high
SoX multithreading = off
DSD over PCM (DoP) = no
Replaygain = off
Replaygain preamp = 0
Volume normalization = no
Audio buffer = 4 (MB)
Output buffer size = 128 (MB)
Max playlist items = 16384
Input cache = Disabled
Device buffer = 500 (ms)
Device period = 125 (ms)

B L U E T O O T H   S E T T I N G S

Version = 5.55
Bluealsa = v4.1.0
Pairing agent = 1.0.0
Pi-Bluetooth = 0.1.19
Resume MPD = No
PCM buffer time = 500000 (µs)

A I R P L A Y   S E T T I N G S

Version = 4.2
Friendly name = Moode AirPlay
Interpolation = soxr
Output bit depth = S16
Output sample rate = 44100
Session interruption = no
Session timeout = 120 (ms)
Latency offset = 0.0 (secs)
Audio buffer = 0.2 (secs)
Resume MPD = No

S P O T I F Y   S E T T I N G S

Version = 0.4.2
Friendly name = Moode Spotify
Bitrate (kbps) = 160
Format = S16
Dither = Automatic (Default)
Volume curve = log
Volume range (dB) = 60
Initial volume (%) = 0
Volume normalization = No
Method = dynamic
Gain type = auto
Pregain (dB) = 0
Threshold (dBFS) = -2
Attack (ms) = 5
Release (ms) = 100
Knee = 1
Autoplay = No
Resume MPD = No

S Q U E E Z E L I T E   S E T T I N G S

Version = 1.9.8-1317 "DSD/SRC enabled"
Friendly name = Moode
ALSA device = hw:0
ALSA params = 80:4::1
Output buffers = 40000:100000
Task priority = 45
Codec list = flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,alac,dsd
Other options = -W -D 500 -R E -S /var/local
Resume MPD = No

L O C A L   D I S P L A Y   S E T T I N G S

Local UI display = Off
Mouse cursor = On
Screen blank = 600 Secs
Wake display on play = Off
Brightness = 255
Pixel aspect ratio = Default
Rotate screen = 0 Deg

M O O D E   S T A R T U P   L O G

20230920 050037 worker: --
20230920 050038 worker: -- Start moOde 8 series
20230920 050038 worker: --
20230920 050038 worker: Successfully daemonized
20230920 050038 worker: Waiting for Linux startup...
20230920 050104 worker: Linux startup complete
20230920 050104 worker: Boot config backed up
20230920 050107 worker: File check (OK)
20230920 050109 worker: Session vacuumed
20230920 050109 worker: Session loaded
20230920 050109 worker: Debug logging (OFF)
20230920 050109 worker: Reduced system logging (OFF)
20230920 050109 worker: --
20230920 050109 worker: -- Audio debug
20230920 050109 worker: --
20230920 050109 worker: ALSA cards: (0:sndallodigione | 1:empty | 2:empty | 3:empty
20230920 050109 worker: MPD config: (0:Allo DigiOne | mixer:(none) | card:0)
20230920 050109 worker: ALSA mixer actual (none)
20230920 050109 worker: ALSA volume (none)
20230920 050109 worker: --
20230920 050109 worker: -- System
20230920 050109 worker: --
20230920 050116 worker: Host      (moode)
20230920 050116 worker: Hardware  (Pi-3B+ 1.3 1GB)
20230920 050116 worker: moOde     (8.3.6 2023-09-05)
20230920 050116 worker: RaspiOS   (11.7)
20230920 050116 worker: Kernel    (6.1.21-v7+ #1642)
20230920 050116 worker: Procarch  (armv7l, 32-bit)
20230920 050116 worker: MPD ver   (0.23.12)
20230920 050116 worker: CPU gov   (ondemand)
20230920 050116 worker: Userid    (erichhofer)
20230920 050116 worker: Homedir   (/home/erichhofer)
20230920 050116 worker: Timezone  (Europe/Vienna)
20230920 050116 worker: Keyboard  (de)
20230920 050116 worker: USB boot  (enabled)
20230920 050116 worker: File sys  (expanded)
20230920 050116 worker: HDMI port (On)
20230920 050116 worker: Sys LED0  (On)
20230920 050116 worker: Sys LED1  (On)
20230920 050116 worker: --
20230920 050116 worker: -- Network
20230920 050116 worker: --
20230920 050116 worker: eth0 adapter exists
20230920 050116 worker: eth0 address check (Off)
20230920 050116 worker: IP addr (
20230920 050116 worker: Netmask (
20230920 050116 worker: Gateway (
20230920 050117 worker: Pri DNS (
20230920 050117 worker: Domain  (
20230920 050117 worker: wlan0 adapter exists
20230920 050117 worker: wlan0 country (US)
20230920 050117 worker: wlan0 configured SSID (FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable 5)
20230920 050117 worker: wlan0 SSID alternates (None)
20230920 050117 worker: wlan0 router mode (Off)
20230920 050117 worker: wlan0 address check (up to 90 secs)
20230920 050117 worker: wlan0 connected to SSID (FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable 5)
20230920 050117 worker: wlan0 power save (Disabled)
20230920 050117 worker: IP addr (
20230920 050117 worker: Netmask (
20230920 050117 worker: Gateway (
20230920 050117 worker: Pri DNS (
20230920 050117 worker: Domain  (
20230920 050117 worker: --
20230920 050117 worker: -- Software update
20230920 050117 worker: --
20230920 050117 worker: Automatic check (Off)
20230920 050117 worker: --
20230920 050117 worker: -- File sharing
20230920 050117 worker: --
20230920 050117 worker: SMB file sharing (Off)
20230920 050117 worker: NFS file sharing (Off)
20230920 050117 worker: --
20230920 050117 worker: -- Audio config
20230920 050117 worker: --
20230920 050119 worker: MPD conf updated
20230920 050119 worker: ALSA card number (0)
20230920 050119 worker: MPD audio output (Allo DigiOne)
20230920 050119 worker: Audio formats (S16_LE, S24_LE)
20230920 050119 worker: ALSA mixer name (none)
20230920 050119 worker: MPD mixer type (software)
20230920 050119 worker: Hdwr volume controller not detected
20230920 050119 worker: ALSA output mode (Default)
20230920 050119 worker: ALSA loopback (Off)
20230920 050119 worker: Renderer active flags (reset)
20230920 050119 worker: CamillaDSP configuration (off)
20230920 050119 worker: --
20230920 050119 worker: -- MPD startup
20230920 050119 worker: --
20230920 050119 worker: MPD started
20230920 050119 worker: MPD accepting connections
20230920 050120 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA Default (On)
20230920 050120 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA Bluetooth (Off)
20230920 050120 worker: MPD output 3 HTTP Server (Off)
20230920 050120 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20230920 050120 worker: MPD ignore CUE files (yes)
20230920 050120 worker: Default playlist loaded for first boot
20230920 050120 worker: MPD camilladsp volume sync (Off)
20230920 050120 worker: MPD camilladsp volume range (60 dB)
20230920 050120 worker: --
20230920 050120 worker: -- Music sources
20230920 050120 worker: --
20230920 050120 worker: USB sources
20230920 050120 worker: No drives found
20230920 050120 worker: NAS sources
20230920 050120 worker: None configured
20230920 050120 worker: --
20230920 050120 worker: -- Feature availability
20230920 050120 worker: --
20230920 050120 worker: Input select (available)
20230920 050120 worker: Input (MPD)
20230920 050120 worker: Output (Allo DigiOne)
20230920 050120 worker: Bluetooth (available)
20230920 050120 worker: AirPlay renderer (available)
20230920 050120 worker: Spotify renderer (available)
20230920 050120 worker: Squeezelite (available)
20230920 050120 worker: RoonBridge renderer (not installed)
20230920 050120 worker: Multiroom sender (available)
20230920 050120 worker: Multiroom receiver (available)
20230920 050120 worker: UPnP renderer (available)
20230920 050120 worker: DLNA server (available)
20230920 050120 worker: GPIO button handler (available)
20230920 050120 worker: Stream recorder (n/a)
20230920 050120 worker: HTTPS-Only mode (n/a)
20230920 050120 worker: --
20230920 050120 worker: -- Other
20230920 050120 worker: --
20230920 050120 worker: USB volume knob (Off)
20230920 050120 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20230920 050120 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20230920 050120 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20230920 050120 worker: MPD volume level (0) restored
20230920 050120 worker: ALSA volume level (None)
20230920 050120 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20230920 050121 worker: LocalUI (Off)
20230920 050121 worker: Automatic CoverView (Off)
20230920 050121 worker: On-screen keyboard (Off)
20230920 050121 worker: Library scope (all)
20230920 050121 worker: Library active search (None)
20230920 050121 worker: View reset to (Playback)
20230920 050121 worker: Maintenance interval (360 minutes)
20230920 050121 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20230920 050121 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20230920 050121 worker: --
20230920 050121 worker: -- Startup complete
20230920 050121 worker: --
20230920 050121 worker: Mount monitor (off)
20230920 050122 worker: Watchdog monitor (started)
20230920 050122 worker: Responsiveness (Default)
20230920 050122 worker: Ready
20230920 050201 worker: Job shellinabox
Would you please try to reinstall moode with "pi" as default user?
Best regards
(09-20-2023, 07:21 AM)fdealexa Wrote: Hi,
Would you please try to reinstall moode with "pi" as default user?
Best regards

Edit: figured it out
S Y S T E M   P A R A M E T E R S

moOde release = 8.3.6 2023-09-05
RaspiOS = 11.7
Linux kernel = 6.1.21-v7+ #1642
Platform = Pi-3B+ 1.3 1GB
Architecture = armhf (32-bit)
Home directory = /home/pi
System uptime = up 6 minutes
Timezone = Europe/Vienna
Current time = 2023-09-20 10:53:55

Host name = DigiOne
Ethernet address =
Ethernet MAC = b8:27:eb:51:10:f7
WLAN address = unassigned
WLAN MAC = no adapter
WLAN country = US
WLAN AP chan = 6
WLAN AP router = Off

SoC identifier = bcm2837
Core count = 4
Kernel timer freq = 100 Hz
SDCard freq = 50 MHz
USB boot = enabled
Warranty = OK

Root size = 6.8G
Root used = 41%
Root available = 3.9G
Root expand = expanded
Memory total = 944 MB
Memory free = 739 MB
Memory used = 205 MB
SoC temperature = 57.5°C
Throttled bitmask = 0x80000
Throttled text = Soft temperature limit has occurred

Worker responsiveness = Default
CPU governor = ondemand
USB auto-mounter = udisks-glue
Pi integrated WiFi = Off
Pi integrated BT = Off
HDMI output = Off
LED state = 1,1
IP addr timeout = 90 (secs)
Ethernet check = No
SSH term server = On
Reduced sys logging = Off

SMB file sharing = Off
NFS file sharing = Off
NFS access =
NFS options = rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash

PHP-FPM version = 7.4.33
NGINX version = 1.18.0
SQLite3 version = 3.34.1
Hostapd version = 2.9
RPi.GPIO version = 0.7.0

A U D I O   P A R A M E T E R S

Audio device = Allo DigiOne
Interface = I2S
Mixer name = none
Hardware mixer = No
Supported formats = S16_LE, S24_LE
ALSA max volume = 100
ALSA output mode = Default (plughw)
ALSA loopback = Off
MPD max volume = 100
Volume step limit = 10
Display dB volume = Off
Audio source = Local
Output device = Local
Resume MPD = No
Volume knob = 0
Volume mute = Unmuted
Saved MPD vol = 0
Preamp volume = 0
ALSA version = 1.2.4-1.1+rpt2
SoX version = 0.1.3-4+rpi1

Bluetooth controller = Off
Pairing agent = Off
AirPlay receiver = Off
Spotify receiver = On
Squeezelite = Off
RoonBridge = On
UPnP client = Off
DLNA server = Off
GPIO button handler = Off
Multiroom sender = Off
Multiroom receiver = Disabled

Auto-shuffle = Off
Ashuffle mode = Track
Ashuffle filter = None
Autoplay = Off
Rotary encoder = Off
Encoder params = 100 2 3 23 24
USB volume knob = Off
Polarity inversion = Off
Crossfeed = Off
Crossfade = Off
Parametric EQ = Off
Graphic EQ = Off
CamillaDSP = off
CamillaDSP volsync = Off
MPD httpd = Off
Ignore CUE files = Yes


Theme = Default
Accent color = Carrot
Alpha blend = 1.0
Adaptive background = No
Background image = No
Cover backdrop = No
Cover blur = 20px
Cover scale = 1.25
Renderer backdrop = No
Font size = Normal
Native lazyload = Yes

Show Queue thumbs = Yes
Show Now-playing icon = Yes
Show CoverView playbar = Yes
Show extra metadata = album,genre,track,disc,date,composer,conductor,performer,encoded
Search site = Google
Playback history log = No

One touch album = Play
One touch radio = Play
One touch playlist = No action
Albumview sort order = by Artist
Tagview sort order = by Artist
Track play = Track
Recently added = 1 Month
Show sample rate = No
Cover search pri = Embedded cover
Pixel ratio = 2
Thumbgen scan fmts = Default
Thumbnail resolution = Auto
Thumbnail columns = 6/2 (Default)

Library (Advanced)
Tag view genre = Genres
Tag view artist = Artist
Album key = Album@Artist (Default)
Include comment tag = No
Library filter = full_lib
Library filter str =
Ignore articles = a,an,the
Show tagview genres = Yes
Show tagview covers = Yes
Ellipsis limited text = No
UTF8 character filter = No

Timed display = Never
Automatic display = Off
Backdrop style = Gradient (Linear)
Display mode = Cover
Layout = Default
Extra metadata = No

R A D I O   M A N A G E R   S E T T I N G S

Sort tag = Name
Group method = No grouping
Show moOde stations = No action
Show other stations = No action

P L A Y L I S T   M A N A G E R   S E T T I N G S

Sort tag = Name
Group method = No grouping

M P D   S E T T I N G S

Version = 0.23.12
Volume type = software
SoX resampling = disabled
Selective resampling = disabled
SoX quality = high
SoX multithreading = off
DSD over PCM (DoP) = no
Replaygain = off
Replaygain preamp = 0
Volume normalization = no
Audio buffer = 4 (MB)
Output buffer size = 128 (MB)
Max playlist items = 16384
Input cache = Disabled
Device buffer = 500 (ms)
Device period = 125 (ms)

B L U E T O O T H   S E T T I N G S

Version = 5.55
Bluealsa = v4.1.0
Pairing agent = 1.0.0
Pi-Bluetooth = 0.1.19
Resume MPD = No
PCM buffer time = 500000 (µs)

A I R P L A Y   S E T T I N G S

Version = 4.2
Friendly name = Moode AirPlay
Interpolation = soxr
Output bit depth = S16
Output sample rate = 44100
Session interruption = no
Session timeout = 120 (ms)
Latency offset = 0.0 (secs)
Audio buffer = 0.2 (secs)
Resume MPD = No

S P O T I F Y   S E T T I N G S

Version = 0.4.2
Friendly name = Moode Spotify
Bitrate (kbps) = 320
Format = S16
Dither = Automatic (Default)
Volume curve = log
Volume range (dB) = 60
Initial volume (%) = 0
Volume normalization = No
Method = dynamic
Gain type = auto
Pregain (dB) = 0
Threshold (dBFS) = -2
Attack (ms) = 5
Release (ms) = 100
Knee = 1
Autoplay = No
Resume MPD = No

S Q U E E Z E L I T E   S E T T I N G S

Version = 1.9.8-1317 "DSD/SRC enabled"
Friendly name = Moode
ALSA device = hw:0
ALSA params = 80:4::1
Output buffers = 40000:100000
Task priority = 45
Codec list = flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,alac,dsd
Other options = -W -D 500 -R E -S /var/local
Resume MPD = No

R O O N B R D G E   S E T T I N G S

Version = 1.8 (build 1125) stable
Resume MPD = No

L O C A L   D I S P L A Y   S E T T I N G S

Local UI display = Off
Mouse cursor = On
Screen blank = 600 Secs
Wake display on play = Off
Brightness = 255
Pixel aspect ratio = Default
Rotate screen = 0 Deg

M O O D E   S T A R T U P   L O G

20230920 104722 worker: --
20230920 104723 worker: -- Start moOde 8 series
20230920 104723 worker: --
20230920 104723 worker: Successfully daemonized
20230920 104723 worker: Waiting for Linux startup...
20230920 104751 worker: Linux startup complete
20230920 104751 worker: Boot config backed up
20230920 104753 worker: File check (OK)
20230920 104755 worker: Session vacuumed
20230920 104755 worker: Session loaded
20230920 104755 worker: Debug logging (OFF)
20230920 104755 worker: Reduced system logging (OFF)
20230920 104755 worker: --
20230920 104755 worker: -- Audio debug
20230920 104755 worker: --
20230920 104755 worker: ALSA cards: (0:sndallodigione | 1:empty | 2:empty | 3:empty
20230920 104755 worker: MPD config: (0:Allo DigiOne | mixer:(none) | card:0)
20230920 104755 worker: ALSA mixer actual (none)
20230920 104755 worker: ALSA volume (none)
20230920 104755 worker: --
20230920 104755 worker: -- System
20230920 104755 worker: --
20230920 104757 worker: Host      (moode)
20230920 104757 worker: Hardware  (Pi-3B+ 1.3 1GB)
20230920 104757 worker: moOde     (8.3.6 2023-09-05)
20230920 104757 worker: RaspiOS   (11.7)
20230920 104757 worker: Kernel    (6.1.21-v7+ #1642)
20230920 104757 worker: Procarch  (armv7l, 32-bit)
20230920 104757 worker: MPD ver   (0.23.12)
20230920 104757 worker: CPU gov   (ondemand)
20230920 104757 worker: Userid    (pi)
20230920 104757 worker: Homedir   (/home/pi)
20230920 104757 worker: Timezone  (Europe/Vienna)
20230920 104757 worker: Keyboard  (de)
20230920 104758 worker: USB boot  (enabled)
20230920 104758 worker: File sys  (expanded)
20230920 104758 worker: HDMI port (On)
20230920 104758 worker: Sys LED0  (On)
20230920 104758 worker: Sys LED1  (On)
20230920 104758 worker: --
20230920 104758 worker: -- Network
20230920 104758 worker: --
20230920 104758 worker: eth0 adapter exists
20230920 104758 worker: eth0 address check (Off)
20230920 104758 worker: IP addr (
20230920 104758 worker: Netmask (
20230920 104758 worker: Gateway (
20230920 104758 worker: Pri DNS (
20230920 104758 worker: Domain  (
20230920 104758 worker: wlan0 adapter does not exist
20230920 104758 worker: --
20230920 104758 worker: -- Software update
20230920 104758 worker: --
20230920 104758 worker: Automatic check (Off)
20230920 104758 worker: --
20230920 104758 worker: -- File sharing
20230920 104758 worker: --
20230920 104758 worker: SMB file sharing (Off)
20230920 104758 worker: NFS file sharing (Off)
20230920 104758 worker: --
20230920 104758 worker: -- Audio config
20230920 104758 worker: --
20230920 104800 worker: MPD conf updated
20230920 104800 worker: ALSA card number (0)
20230920 104800 worker: MPD audio output (Allo DigiOne)
20230920 104800 worker: Audio formats (S16_LE, S24_LE)
20230920 104800 worker: ALSA mixer name (none)
20230920 104800 worker: MPD mixer type (software)
20230920 104800 worker: Hdwr volume controller not detected
20230920 104800 worker: ALSA output mode (Default)
20230920 104800 worker: ALSA loopback (Off)
20230920 104800 worker: Renderer active flags (reset)
20230920 104800 worker: CamillaDSP configuration (off)
20230920 104800 worker: --
20230920 104800 worker: -- MPD startup
20230920 104800 worker: --
20230920 104801 worker: MPD started
20230920 104801 worker: MPD accepting connections
20230920 104801 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA Default (On)
20230920 104801 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA Bluetooth (Off)
20230920 104801 worker: MPD output 3 HTTP Server (Off)
20230920 104801 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20230920 104801 worker: MPD ignore CUE files (yes)
20230920 104801 worker: Default playlist loaded for first boot
20230920 104801 worker: MPD camilladsp volume sync (Off)
20230920 104801 worker: MPD camilladsp volume range (60 dB)
20230920 104801 worker: --
20230920 104801 worker: -- Music sources
20230920 104801 worker: --
20230920 104801 worker: USB sources
20230920 104801 worker: No drives found
20230920 104801 worker: NAS sources
20230920 104801 worker: None configured
20230920 104801 worker: --
20230920 104801 worker: -- Feature availability
20230920 104801 worker: --
20230920 104801 worker: Input select (available)
20230920 104801 worker: Input (MPD)
20230920 104801 worker: Output (Allo DigiOne)
20230920 104801 worker: Bluetooth (available)
20230920 104801 worker: AirPlay renderer (available)
20230920 104801 worker: Spotify renderer (available: started)
20230920 104801 worker: Squeezelite (available)
20230920 104801 worker: RoonBridge renderer (available: started)
20230920 104801 worker: Multiroom sender (available)
20230920 104801 worker: Multiroom receiver (available)
20230920 104801 worker: UPnP renderer (available)
20230920 104801 worker: DLNA server (available)
20230920 104801 worker: GPIO button handler (available)
20230920 104801 worker: Stream recorder (n/a)
20230920 104801 worker: HTTPS-Only mode (n/a)
20230920 104801 worker: --
20230920 104801 worker: -- Other
20230920 104801 worker: --
20230920 104801 worker: USB volume knob (Off)
20230920 104802 worker: Shellinabox SSH started
20230920 104802 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20230920 104802 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20230920 104802 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20230920 104802 worker: MPD volume level (0) restored
20230920 104802 worker: ALSA volume level (None)
20230920 104802 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20230920 104803 worker: LocalUI (Off)
20230920 104803 worker: Automatic CoverView (Off)
20230920 104803 worker: On-screen keyboard (Off)
20230920 104803 worker: Library scope (all)
20230920 104803 worker: Library active search (None)
20230920 104803 worker: View reset to (Playback)
20230920 104803 worker: Maintenance interval (360 minutes)
20230920 104803 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20230920 104803 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20230920 104803 worker: --
20230920 104803 worker: -- Startup complete
20230920 104803 worker: --
20230920 104803 worker: Mount monitor (off)
20230920 104803 worker: Watchdog monitor (started)
20230920 104803 worker: Responsiveness (Default)
20230920 104803 worker: Ready
20230920 104855 worker: Job spotifysvc
20230920 104925 worker: Job rbrestart
20230920 105100 worker: Job hdmiport

it works now, only need Roon Bridge, which settings should I change to get the best sound?
Please read before pasting more logs :-)
(09-20-2023, 09:09 AM)DRONE7 Wrote: Please read before pasting more logs :-)

ok, sorry
I'm a bit confused. SSH access should be possible using any userid specified when prepping the image using Pi Imager.

The only userid related bug reported so far is that LocalUI won't start unless the id is "pi". Thats been fixed in upcoming final end-of-year release.

f there are any other userid related bugs then please post steps to repro the issue and I'll test on my end :-)
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