02-26-2024, 02:44 PM
Different DAC chip accepts different digital signal, for example, standard philips i2s, right justified, left justified, and so on.
I want to connect the output signals from Raspberry Pi directly to the input pins of two PCM56 chips, while this kind of DAC chip only accepts 16-bit, MSB-first, right-justified signal.
I haven't found a drop-down list in which SERIAL AUDIO DATA OUTPUT FORMAT can be selected. It seems that one can only choose a specific i2s device to make the moode system switch to a specific output format, but I don't know the relationship between the devices and the audio output formats.
If I misunderstood the system's menu function or did not correctly find the right place to set, please point it out to me. Thank you very much!
P.S. I know for PCM56, the audio digital signal should go through some 74 logic chips to separate the left and right channel.
I want to connect the output signals from Raspberry Pi directly to the input pins of two PCM56 chips, while this kind of DAC chip only accepts 16-bit, MSB-first, right-justified signal.
I haven't found a drop-down list in which SERIAL AUDIO DATA OUTPUT FORMAT can be selected. It seems that one can only choose a specific i2s device to make the moode system switch to a specific output format, but I don't know the relationship between the devices and the audio output formats.
If I misunderstood the system's menu function or did not correctly find the right place to set, please point it out to me. Thank you very much!
P.S. I know for PCM56, the audio digital signal should go through some 74 logic chips to separate the left and right channel.