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Joined: Apr 2018
Resurrecting an old thread: I have an Alps motorised pot I would like to use with my IQ Audio rig. I've burgled a nice alloy knob from an old non-HDMI 7-channel amp and put together an Arduino rig to control the motor.
Haptic feedback is a possibility... increased resistance the closer you get to 100% volume, buzzing, electric shock! :0
Posts: 3
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Joined: Feb 2024
Hey, I have been having trouble with the use of the KY040. I have used the GitHub repository that was mentioned in one of the above posts and the encoder works. the only problem i have with this is this, the encoder only turns the volume up, no matter which way the encoder turns it only turns the volume up. I have everything wired the way shown in the plans on GitHub. Any ideas on what is causing this?
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Joined: Mar 2020
I'd check carefully the wiring, sounds like you might not have the two signal wires attached correctly.
Posts: 1,980
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Joined: Mar 2020
OK, I'm afraid I can't help much more then. I have a standard three pin encoder and use the built in encoder script in moOde which works fine. The KY040 looks like a different beast altogether.
(well mine is actually a five pin, but the other two are simply a standard push switch)