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Thank you very much for your hard work @Tim Curtis I'll give it it a try
Since this is a pre-release it's hard to know what is a genuine bug and what is still a work-in-progress.

1. In my case, booting ~pre3 on an RPi3BPlus and an RPI4B, I don't see the Headphone output device listed either in the webUI or using aplay -l.

2. On first boot of the Pi4B, my Creative Tech USB-BT adapter was correctly detected as a USB Audio device with no hardware volume control. With volume knob still set at 0, I started playing a radio station. Surprise---full volume output (to BT headphones NOT on ears!). Once I adjust the volume knob, I have normal 0-100 control volume. After rebooting, the behavior seems normal.

3. I have an official 7-in display on the RPi3BPlus and the X11 server isn't starting when I activate Local Display. Need my morning coffee before I look under the covers.

Still flashing images for two more test hosts: RPiZero2W and RPi5.

Early days yet but very promising we've gotten this far!

Minor bug

Now have an InnoMaker DAC Pro HAT on the Pi4B in addition to the Creative Tech USB-BT adapter.

At the outset, the Creative Tech USB-BT adapter is reported as Output device 0:Creative Bluetooth and the HDMI ports as cards 1 and 2.

Now I set the proper Named I2S device (this board uses the Allo Katana DAC driver). After rebooting I have the following Output devices listed:

0: Allo Katana DAC
1: Pi HDMI 1
2: Pi HDMI 2
3: Allo Katana DAC

This is purely cosmetic: card 0 is still the Creative Tech USB-BT adapter (as confirmed by aplay -l) and I can switch back and forth between the two output devices without rebooting. Yay.

With the Creative Tech adapter selected and playing, I rebooted. Here's a snippet of the ensuing moodeutl -l output (W2 is the model version of the CT adapter)

20240411 111822 worker: -- ALSA debug
20240411 111822 worker: --
20240411 111822 worker: Cards:  0:W2              1:vc4hdmi0        2:vc4hdmi1        3:Katana          
20240411 111822 worker:         4:empty           5:empty           6:empty           7:empty          
20240411 111822 worker: Mixers: 0:none            1:none            2:none            3:(Master)        
20240411 111822 worker:         4:none            5:none            6:none            7:none            
20240411 111822 worker: CDSP:   Test version of alsa_cdsp for Pi-5 installed
20240411 111822 worker: --
20240411 111822 worker: -- Audio configuration
20240411 111822 worker: --
20240411 111822 worker: Audio device:  Allo Katana DAC
20240411 111822 worker: ALSA card:     has not changed
20240411 111822 worker: MPD config:    update not needed
20240411 111822 worker: ALSA output:   I2S

This same misinformation is reflected in the Audio Info modal during playback through the Creative Tech adapter to my BT headphones.

Audio Device
Device Allo Katana DAC
Mixer name Master
Chip ESS Sabre ES9038Q2M
Interface I2S
Formats S16_LE
Pi model Pi-4B 1.1 2GB

I have just installed ~pre3 on Pi5. Installation was with no problems.
At this moment it is scanning the music library.

Thank you Tim
(04-11-2024, 02:04 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: Since this is a pre-release it's hard to know what is a genuine bug and what is still a work-in-progress.

1. In my case, booting ~pre3 on an RPi3BPlus and an RPI4B, I don't see the Headphone output device listed either in the webUI or using aplay -l.

2. On first boot of the Pi4B, my Creative Tech USB-BT adapter was correctly detected as a USB Audio device with no hardware volume control. With volume knob still set at 0, I started playing a radio station. Surprise---full volume output (to BT headphones NOT on ears!). Once I adjust the volume knob, I have normal 0-100 control volume. After rebooting, the behavior seems normal.

3.  I have an official 7-in display on the RPi3BPlus and the X11 server isn't starting when I activate Local Display. Need my morning coffee before I look under the covers.

Still flashing images for two more test hosts: RPiZero2W and RPi5.

Early days yet but very promising we've gotten this far!


For #1 and #3 I think the KMS driver (dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d) may be the cause. It's basically required and I can't find much info on it related to 1 and 3.

1. KMS driver: Looks like it does not show Headphone port, or could be an OS/kernel issue.
3. KMS driver: Local UI will prolly only work on >= Pi4. it won't start for me either on < Pi4.

2. This could be a configuration or sequencing issue during startup. I'll investigate

As always: WARNING about volumes with pre-release code, or just in general be careful and always have a downstream volume control that can be set at low level before testing.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
(04-11-2024, 02:53 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: Minor bug

Now have an InnoMaker DAC Pro HAT on the Pi4B in addition to the Creative Tech USB-BT adapter.

At the outset, the Creative Tech USB-BT adapter is reported as Output device 0:Creative Bluetooth and the HDMI ports as cards 1 and 2.

Now I set the proper Named I2S device (this board uses the Allo Katana DAC driver). After rebooting I have the following Output devices listed:

0: Allo Katana DAC
1: Pi HDMI 1
2: Pi HDMI 2
3: Allo Katana DAC

This is purely cosmetic: card 0 is still the Creative Tech USB-BT adapter (as confirmed by aplay -l) and I can switch back and forth between the two output devices without rebooting. Yay.

With the Creative Tech adapter  selected and playing, I rebooted. Here's a snippet of the ensuing moodeutl -l output (W2 is the model version of the CT adapter)

20240411 111822 worker: -- ALSA debug
20240411 111822 worker: --
20240411 111822 worker: Cards:  0:W2              1:vc4hdmi0        2:vc4hdmi1        3:Katana          
20240411 111822 worker:         4:empty           5:empty           6:empty           7:empty          
20240411 111822 worker: Mixers: 0:none            1:none            2:none            3:(Master)        
20240411 111822 worker:         4:none            5:none            6:none            7:none            
20240411 111822 worker: CDSP:   Test version of alsa_cdsp for Pi-5 installed
20240411 111822 worker: --
20240411 111822 worker: -- Audio configuration
20240411 111822 worker: --
20240411 111822 worker: Audio device:  Allo Katana DAC
20240411 111822 worker: ALSA card:     has not changed
20240411 111822 worker: MPD config:    update not needed
20240411 111822 worker: ALSA output:   I2S

This same misinformation is reflected in the Audio Info modal during playback through the Creative Tech adapter to my BT headphones.

Audio Device
Device Allo Katana DAC
Mixer name Master
Chip ESS Sabre ES9038Q2M
Interface I2S
Formats S16_LE
Pi model Pi-4B 1.1 2GB


What is output of the commands below:

aplay -l

moodeutl -q "select * from cfg_outputdev"
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
pi@m9pre3b:~ $ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: W2 [Creative Bluetooth Audio W2], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
 Subdevices: 0/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: vc4hdmi0 [vc4-hdmi-0], device 0: MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0 [MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0]
 Subdevices: 1/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: vc4hdmi1 [vc4-hdmi-1], device 0: MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0 [MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0]
 Subdevices: 1/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 3: Katana [Allo Katana], device 0: fe203000.i2s-allo-katana-codec allo-katana-codec-0 [fe203000.i2s-allo-katana-codec allo-katana-codec-0]
 Subdevices: 1/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

pi@m9pre3b:~ $ moodeutl -q "select * from cfg_outputdev"
1|Pi HDMI 1|software|iec958|100
2|Creative Bluetooth Audio W2|software|plughw|100
3|Allo Katana DAC|software|plughw|100

(04-11-2024, 05:30 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote:
pi@m9pre3b:~ $ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: W2 [Creative Bluetooth Audio W2], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
 Subdevices: 0/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: vc4hdmi0 [vc4-hdmi-0], device 0: MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0 [MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0]
 Subdevices: 1/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: vc4hdmi1 [vc4-hdmi-1], device 0: MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0 [MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0]
 Subdevices: 1/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 3: Katana [Allo Katana], device 0: fe203000.i2s-allo-katana-codec allo-katana-codec-0 [fe203000.i2s-allo-katana-codec allo-katana-codec-0]
 Subdevices: 1/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

pi@m9pre3b:~ $ moodeutl -q "select * from cfg_outputdev"
1|Pi HDMI 1|software|iec958|100
2|Creative Bluetooth Audio W2|software|plughw|100
3|Allo Katana DAC|software|plughw|100


The output is fine but there is this assumption in function getAlsaDeviceNames() which is causing the bogus name to appear.

// DEBUG: Assumes ALSA always assigns USB devices higher card numbers than the I2S device

I'll need to noodle on this for while.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Pre3 on pi 5 system configuration page will not load.
Web page currently unable to handle this request.
Tried both repo and image, first boot with the image  installation
Opened up to the system page but after I closed it I can't get it to load up again.
(04-11-2024, 06:56 PM)Topman44 Wrote: Pre3 on pi 5 system configuration page will not load.
Web page currently unable to handle this request.
Tried both repo and image, first boot with the image  installation
Opened up to the system page but after I closed it I can't get it to load up again.

Did you prep the image using the Setup Guide? 
There a link to it on the Download page at
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub

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