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Solved: Touch not working correct
(04-30-2024, 03:08 PM)felix1024 Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 01:12 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 12:30 PM)popeye65 Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 11:10 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Got it.

I'll add a "Screen size" option to the Local Display section to allow automatic detection to be overridden.

This would be a cool feature and avoid half of my customizations to .xinitrc, but not the other half... while you are at the code, an option to rotate the screen, or more flexible, include .xinitrc.local... well, I can use ssh and edit the script, but it will get overwritten at updates, so any way of adding customization would be cool.

If there were a set of options common to all these display panels and that actually worked to set the display correctly I would add them but as you can see from @felix1024 post the proposed screen size option did not have any effect.

Another approach would be to include xinitrc in the Backup/Restore process which would effectively preserve user customizations.
Now I did a complete new setup from scratch on a pi4, just trial and error to exclude any problem caused by CM4 and CM4 I/O board. No success absolute same behavior.

Next I compared the installed X11 packages between working pi4/chromium/kiosk-mode and Moode image install on CM4, no difference found.
Then i did the same comparing dtoverlays in /boot again no difference.

Can i install Moode from git repository above of a working pi4 bullseye lite and installed X11 and chromium?
Any other idea where to search further?


The moode-player package already has deps for X and chromium so they would be installed as part of installing moode-player. 

Maybe there are some settings in the custom kiosk mode configuration that contribute to correct display operation. The doc you referenced is in a language I don't understand and so I can't offer any advice.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Solution for moode 8.3.9 image install and local Waveshare DSI touchscreen display

tested on pi4/cm4, step by step instruction:

prerequisite is a clean moode installation with ssh access.
$ sudo apt-get update -y
$ sudo apt-get upgrade -y
$ sudo apt-get install git
$ git clone
$ cd Waveshare-DSI-LCD/
$ cd 6.1.21
$ cd 64
$ sudo bash ./ 79 I2C0
$ sudo reboot

(ignore already exists…)

See description

now one need to edit .xinit.rc in home directory, insert after xset s 600 

# disable HDMI ports
xrandr --output HDMI-1 --off
xrandr --output HDMI-2 --off

#Force rotation for Waveshare
xrandr --output DSI-1 --rotate right --mode 400x1280

fbset --geometry 1280 400 1280 400 16

# Capture screen size
#SCREENSIZE="$(fbset -s | awk '$1 == "geometry" { print $2","$3 }')"

next make boot text readable
$ sudo vi /boot/cmdline.txt
insert to the beginning of the line
video=HDMI-1:d video=HDMI-2:d video=DSI-1:400x1280e,rotate=270

last step edit configuration
$ sudo vi /boot/config.txt
comment all lines starting with hdmi*

Now use browser on your pc to enable local display by configure - peripherals - display -> on

for me everything is working now as expected use it at your own risk!
good luck 

May be it would be a good idea not to overwrite .xinitrc when doing updates.

(05-02-2024, 05:34 PM)felix1024 Wrote: Solution for moode 8.3.9 image install and local Waveshare DSI touchscreen display

tested on pi4/cm4, step by step instruction:

prerequisite is a clean moode installation with ssh access.
$ sudo apt-get update -y
$ sudo apt-get upgrade -y
$ sudo apt-get install git
$ git clone
$ cd Waveshare-DSI-LCD/
$ cd 6.1.21
$ cd 64
$ sudo bash ./ 79 I2C0
$ sudo reboot

(ignore already exists…)

See description

now one need to edit .xinit.rc in home directory, insert after xset s 600 

# disable HDMI ports
xrandr --output HDMI-1 --off
xrandr --output HDMI-2 --off

#Force rotation for Waveshare
xrandr --output DSI-1 --rotate right --mode 400x1280

fbset --geometry 1280 400 1280 400 16

# Capture screen size
#SCREENSIZE="$(fbset -s | awk '$1 == "geometry" { print $2","$3 }')"

next make boot text readable
$ sudo vi /boot/cmdline.txt
insert to the beginning of the line
video=HDMI-1:d video=HDMI-2:d video=DSI-1:400x1280e,rotate=270

last step edit configuration
$ sudo vi /boot/config.txt
comment all lines starting with hdmi*

Now use browser on your pc to enable local display by configure - peripherals - display -> on

for me everything is working now as expected use it at your own risk!
good luck 

May be it would be a good idea not to overwrite .xinitrc when doing updates.


Glad its working :-)
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Hi Felix,
I am happy to know you have solved.
Best regards,

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