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No S24LE3 output on Pi4
Strange problem;
I have the following setup:
Raspberry Pi4 2 gb met MoOde 8.3.9
SoundBlaster Live! 24 bit external
CamillaDSP active to output sound on 6 channels

This works fine with output set to S16LE
But MPD gives a 'failed to open output' error when i try to set output to S24LE3
If i look in the CamillaDSP log i see the following error:

Playback error: ALSA function 'snd_pcm_hw_params' failed with error 'ENOSPC: No space left on device'

This setup does work on a Pi3 (using the same SB USB audio device)

Any idea's?
Does your audio device require S24LE3 format?
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No, works on S16LE also. But S24LE should give a little better result in soundquality (Better SNR).
But the strange thing is that it does work using a Pi3.
Oddness for sure.

On the Pi4, stop playback and run the command below to confirm which formats the device accepts.

moodeutl -f
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S16_LE, S24_3LE
I found some sort of solution, or better, workaround.
The problem only occurs when starting the system using a camilla config with S24LE3 output.
If i switch to another config using S16LE, and then back to S24LE3, it works fine, and i get sound output on 6 channels
I guess it's some kind of problem in the soundcard driver?
Is this an SB Omni 5.1 device?
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No, it's a SoundBlaster Live! 24-Bit external SB0490
It's a 5.1 device with also SpDif output, line- and mic-input

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