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Instruction Guide 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi
Hi Adrian,
We haven't spoken on the forum for a while: how are you? I hope well, obviously.
A question: have you tried mpd_oled (binary) on the new 9.0.0 release: I tried to install it but I had a library problem:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
mpd-oled:armhf : Depends: libfftw3-3:armhf but it is not installable
Depends: i2c-tools:armhf but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

By installing with source, however, the system worked.
Dear greetings and thanks,
Hi Francesco

Nice to hear from you, and thank you for reporting the issue.

I don't currently run a Pi based music player, and my Pis are packed away in a box somewhere. I'll see if I can dig them out and make a package for Moode 9 (hopefully sometime in the next week).

Thanks Adrian,
do not hesitate to contact me to test the package.
Next week I will be out from house.
Best regards,
(05-22-2024, 10:01 AM)fdealexa Wrote: Thanks Adrian,
do not hesitate to contact me to test the package.
Next week I will be out from house.
Best regards,

Hi Francesco, I had the same problem, but despite installing it from source following all the instructions except compiling and installing Cava which already exists in the official repositories, I didn't get any resolution with my ssh1106 from 1, 3 inches. Do you have any thoughts on this?

I'll answer myself: installing from sources places everything in usr/local/bin instead of usr/bin so I've solved it!
Please post in English so everyone can understand what was written.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
(05-29-2024, 05:39 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Please post in English so everyone can understand what was written.

Oops..sorry! I edited the post, but I solved it anyway. Thank you
Hi all,

Could you share the instructions that change from the tutorial that exists to install it via the sources (the instructions for Moode 8)?

Or, does following the Moode 8 instructions work? (Apart from installing CAVA)

Many thanks
Best Regards
Hi Lalsacien

My understanding is that the instructions for installing mpd_oled from source on Moode 8 will work on Moode 9

Hi all,
I confirme that installing the mpd_oled from source works for moode 9.
But there is an issue: It seems that the SPI oled on rpi5 does not run.
Best regards,
Hi Francesco

Thank you for reporting the SPI issue on the Pi5.

mpd_oled uses the BCM library ( ) for IO, except that I some added in some alternative functions for it to use the linux I2C driver instead of accessing the hardware directly. The version of the BCM library used in mpd_oled is four years old. If I update to the latest version of the library that might fix the SPI issue on the Pi5 (and hopefully without breaking the alternative I2C functions!)

I have managed to find my Pis, and there is a possibility I might be able to look at mpd_oled in the next few days. I will prioritise the SPI fix over making a Moode 9 package, but will try to do both.


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