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File system expand in moode 8.3.6
Hi all,

I am running a moode audio 8.3.6. I can't find "expand file system option" which was under "System" in previous versions of moode audio.

How can I expand file system in version 8.3.6? 

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

(08-26-2024, 06:27 PM)Pawelpipi Wrote: How can I expand file system in version 8.3.6? 

a) I would suggest you install the latest, v9.0.x

b) modern moOde installations expand the filesystem automatically during first boot.
Correct, 8 and 9 series moode releases automatically expand the root partition to the full size of the SD Card at first boot.
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Al, Tim,

Wow, I didn't notice that first boot expand.

Thank You for a fast reply.


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