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Introducing pleezer: a Deezer Connect player
I can confirm connect/disconnect is very fast and reliable with 0.6.0 :-)
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Great to hear and thanks a lot for testing. I've done a quick v0.6.1 release too, to fix a disconnection if skipping to the next track, without the current track being fully downloaded. But unless you'd like it any different, I think I'll stop spamming this thread here :-)

Very excited to see moOde bringing this to the masses.
maintainer of librespot and pleezer
Cool, I'll test tomorrow.

No prob I can just monitor the releases in your git repo.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
I see that the audio info always displays "FLAC" when the Deezer renderer is active. It seems hardcoded here:

If it would help, I could output this as an environment variable for the hook script?

If you'd want, there's a couple of things we could do:

1. Keep the Deezer naming: Basic, Standard, High Quality, High Fidelity
2. Distinguish between formats: MP3, FLAC, AAC (upcoming for some radio stations)
3. More correctly hardcode it to "MP3 or FLAC"

Let me know how I can help.
maintainer of librespot and pleezer
I would go with #2. That way users will know which format is being streamed :-)
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
OK! As an environment variable to the hook script will work?
Would you like anything more, like bitrate?
If so, in a separate variable or the same?
maintainer of librespot and pleezer
Yes, env var for the hook script.

Maybe name it FORMAT whose value is COMPRESSION_FORMAT<space>BITRATE


MP3 128K
MP3 320K
AAC 320K
FLAC 1.411M

That way it doesn't need any parsing for display :-)
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
FLAC will show the average variable bitrate, like "FLAC 891K" or "FLAC 1.234M".

That latest version also gracefully handles "killall" signals by disconnecting any Deezer clients, instead of having to wait for a timeout.
You can now also do a "killall -HUP" to reload the configuration, if you want.

In the meantime, working on getting podcast and livestream support :-)
maintainer of librespot and pleezer
Super nice :-)
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
I just released v0.9.0 (edit: and v0.9.1 quickly after - I forgot something).

Now that pleezer is getting pretty feature-complete, this one focused on some significant performance and sound quality optimizations. Along the way I fixed a couple of bugs too.

I have also found that to get the cover art for a podcast, you need to use a slightly different URL path:

maintainer of librespot and pleezer

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